IndentedTextWriter.Indent 屬性



 property int Indent { int get(); void set(int value); };
public int Indent { get; set; }
member this.Indent : int with get, set
Public Property Indent As Integer




下列程式代碼範例示範如何設定 的 IndentedTextWriter縮排層級。 縮排層級是每個行前面要加上的索引標籤字串數目。

// Creates a TextWriter to use as the base output writer.
System::IO::StringWriter^ baseTextWriter = gcnew System::IO::StringWriter;

// Create an IndentedTextWriter and set the tab string to use 
// as the indentation string for each indentation level.
System::CodeDom::Compiler::IndentedTextWriter^ indentWriter = gcnew IndentedTextWriter( baseTextWriter,"    " );
// Creates a TextWriter to use as the base output writer.
System.IO.StringWriter baseTextWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter();

// Create an IndentedTextWriter and set the tab string to use
// as the indentation string for each indentation level.
System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter indentWriter = new IndentedTextWriter(baseTextWriter, "    ");
  ' Create a TextWriter to use as the base output writer.
  Dim baseTextWriter As New System.IO.StringWriter

  ' Create an IndentedTextWriter and set the tab string to use 
  ' as the indentation string for each indentation level.
  Dim indentWriter = New IndentedTextWriter(baseTextWriter, "    ")
