DateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar 屬性



 property System::Globalization::Calendar ^ Calendar { System::Globalization::Calendar ^ get(); void set(System::Globalization::Calendar ^ value); };
public System.Globalization.Calendar Calendar { get; set; }
member this.Calendar : System.Globalization.Calendar with get, set
Public Property Calendar As Calendar



目前文化特性所使用的曆法。 InvariantInfo 的預設值是 GregorianCalendar 物件。


此屬性設定為 null

屬性正被設定為對目前文化特性而言並非有效的 Calendar 物件。

正在設定屬性,而且 DateTimeFormatInfo 物件為唯讀。


下列範例會定義一個 ChangeCalendar 方法,將文化特性的目前行事曆變更為指定的行事曆,除非它已經是目前的行事曆或文化特性不支援。 呼叫方法的程式碼會具現化 CultureInfo 代表阿拉伯文 (埃及) 文化特性的物件,並且會先嘗試將它的行事曆變更為日文行事曆。 因為日文日曆不受支援,所以此方法不會變更文化特性的行事曆。 不過,因為 um al.exe 的行事曆是集合的成員,所以 CultureInfo.OptionalCalendars 此方法會成功使其成為 ar (即 ar)文化特性的目前行事曆。

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-EG");
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",

      CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, new JapaneseCalendar());
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",

      CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, new UmAlQuraCalendar());
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",

public class CalendarUtilities
   private Calendar newCal;
   private bool isGregorian;

   public static void ChangeCalendar(CultureInfo ci, Calendar cal)
      CalendarUtilities util = new CalendarUtilities(cal);

      // Is the new calendar already the current calendar?
      if (util.CalendarExists(ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar))

      // Is the new calendar supported?
      if (Array.Exists(ci.OptionalCalendars, util.CalendarExists))
         ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = cal;

   private CalendarUtilities(Calendar cal)
      newCal = cal;

      // Is the new calendar a Gregorian calendar?
      isGregorian = cal.GetType().Name.Contains("Gregorian");

   private bool CalendarExists(Calendar cal)
      if (cal.ToString() == newCal.ToString()) {
         if (isGregorian) {
            if (((GregorianCalendar) cal).CalendarType ==
               ((GregorianCalendar) newCal).CalendarType)
               return true;
         else {
            return true;
      return false;

   public static string ShowCalendarName(Calendar cal)
      string calName = cal.ToString().Replace("System.Globalization.", "");
      if (cal is GregorianCalendar)
         calName += ", Type " + ((GregorianCalendar) cal).CalendarType.ToString();

      return calName;
// The example displays the following output:
//    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
//    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
//    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is UmAlQuraCalendar
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-EG")
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",

      CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, New JapaneseCalendar())
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
      CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, New UmAlQuraCalendar())
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
   End Sub
End Module

Public Class CalendarUtilities
   Private newCal As Calendar
   Private isGregorian As Boolean
   Public Shared Sub ChangeCalendar(ci As CultureInfo, cal As Calendar)
      Dim util As New CalendarUtilities(cal)
      ' Is the new calendar already the current calendar?
      If util.CalendarExists(ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar) Then
         Exit Sub
      End If

      ' Is the new calendar supported?
      If Array.Exists(ci.OptionalCalendars, AddressOf util.CalendarExists) Then
         ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = cal
      End If
   End Sub
   Private Sub New(cal As Calendar)
      newCal = cal
      ' Is the new calendar a Gregorian calendar?
      isGregorian = cal.GetType().Name.Contains("Gregorian")
   End Sub
   Private Function CalendarExists(cal As Calendar) As Boolean
      If cal.ToString() = newCal.ToString Then
         If isGregorian Then
            If CType(cal, GregorianCalendar).CalendarType = 
               CType(newCal, GregorianCalendar).CalendarType Then
               Return True
            End If
            Return True
         End If
      End If
      Return False
   End Function

   Public Shared Function ShowCalendarName(cal As Calendar) As String
      Dim calName As String = cal.ToString().Replace("System.Globalization.", "")
      If TypeOf cal Is GregorianCalendar Then
         calName += ", Type " + CType(cal, GregorianCalendar).CalendarType.ToString()
      End If
      Return calName 
   End Function
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
'    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
'    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
'    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is UmAlQuraCalendar


Calendar屬性只接受對與物件相關聯之文化特性有效的行事曆 DateTimeFormatInfoCultureInfo.OptionalCalendars屬性指定可供特定文化特性使用的行事曆,而 CultureInfo.Calendar 屬性則指定文化特性的預設行事曆。


日本曆法的紀元是以天皇的統治為基礎,因此有變更是正常的。 例如,2019 年 5 月 1 日之後,JapaneseCalendarJapaneseLunisolarCalendar 中將開始使用「令和」。 此變更對使用這些日曆的所有應用程式都有影響。 如需詳細資訊,以及判斷您的應用程式是否受到影響,請參閱在 .net 的日文日曆中處理新的紀元。 如需在 Windows 系統上測試您的應用程式以確保其在年代的就緒狀態變更的相關資訊,請參閱準備您的應用程式以進行日本時代變更。 針對支援多個紀元日曆的 .NET 功能,以及在使用支援多個紀元的行事歷時的最佳作法,請參閱 使用紀元

變更這個屬性的值也會影響下列屬性: MonthNamesAbbreviatedMonthNamesDayNamesAbbreviatedDayNames 、、、、、、 CalendarWeekRule FirstDayOfWeek FullDateTimePattern LongDatePattern ShortDatePattern YearMonthPatternMonthDayPattern

例如,如果目前線程的文化特性是日文,則這個屬性會接受 JapaneseCalendarLocalized GregorianCalendarUSEnglish GregorianCalendar 。 使用時 JapaneseCalendar ,預設的完整日期規範為 "gg y ' \x5e74 ' \x6708 ' \x65e5 '"。 使用時 Localized GregorianCalendar ,預設的完整日期規範為 "yyyy ' \x5e74 ' \x6708 ' \x65e5 '"。

