ControlDesigner.ViewControl 屬性


取得或設定 Web 伺服器控制項,可用於預覽設計階段的 HTML 標記。

 property System::Web::UI::Control ^ ViewControl { System::Web::UI::Control ^ get(); void set(System::Web::UI::Control ^ value); };
public System.Web.UI.Control ViewControl { get; set; }
member this.ViewControl : System.Web.UI.Control with get, set
Public Property ViewControl As Control



Control 物件,可供基底類別產生設計階段 HTML 標記。


下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 屬性標記控制項設計工具 SupportsPreviewControlAttribute 。 程式碼範例會從 類別衍生 Web 服務器控制項, Label 並將控制項與自訂控制項設計工具實作產生關聯。 控制項設計工具類別宣告會標示為 SupportsPreviewControl 屬性 true 。 控制項設計工具會 GetDesignTimeHtml 覆寫 方法,然後在設計階段以斜體顯示 Text 控制項的 屬性。

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.Design;
using System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ControlDesignerSamples.CS
    // Define a simple designer associated with a 
    // simple text web control.
    // Mark the designer with the SupportsPreviewControlAttribute set
    // to true.  This means the base.UsePreviewControl returns true,
    // and base.ViewControl returns a temporary preview copy of the control.
    public class SimpleTextControlDesigner : TextControlDesigner
        // Override the base GetDesignTimeHtml method to display 
        // the design time text in italics.
        public override string GetDesignTimeHtml()
            string html = String.Empty;
                // Initialize the return string to the default
                // design time html of the base TextControlDesigner.
                html = base.GetDesignTimeHtml();

                // Get the ViewControl for the associated control.
                Label ctrl = (Label)ViewControl;

                ctrl.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontStyle, "Italic");
                html = base.GetDesignTimeHtml();
            catch (System.Exception e)
               if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                   html = GetErrorDesignTimeHtml(e);
            return html;

    // Derive a simple Web control from Label to render a text string.
    // Associate this control with the SimpleTextControlDesigner.
    ToolboxData("<{0}:MyLabelControl Runat=\"Server\"><{0}:MyLabelControl>")]
    public class MyLabelControl : Label
        // Use the Label control implementation, but associate
        // the derived class with the custom control designer.
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.Design
Imports System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Reflection

Namespace ControlDesignerSamples.VB

    ' Derive a simple Web control from Label to render a text string.
    ' Associate this control with the SimpleTextControlDesigner.
    <DesignerAttribute("ControlDesignerSamples.CS.SimpleTextControlDesigner"), _
    ToolboxData("<{0}:MyLabelControl Runat=""Server""><{0}:MyLabelControl>")> _
    Public Class MyLabelControl
        Inherits Label

        ' Use the Label control implementation, but associate
        ' the derived class with the custom control designer.
    End Class

    ' Mark the designer with the SupportsPreviewControlAttribute set
    ' to true.  This means the base.UsePreviewControl returns true,
    ' and base.ViewControl returns a temporary preview copy of the control.
    <SupportsPreviewControl(True)> _
    Public Class SimpleTextControlDesigner
        Inherits TextControlDesigner

        ' Override the base GetDesignTimeHtml method to display 
        ' the design time text in italics.
        Public Overrides Function GetDesignTimeHtml() As String
            Dim html As String = String.Empty

                ' Get the ViewControl for the associated control.
                Dim ctrl As Label = CType(ViewControl, Label)

                ' Set the default text, if necessary
                If ctrl.Text.Length = 0 Then
                    ctrl.Text = "Sample Text"
                End If

                ' Set the style to italic
                ctrl.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontStyle, "italic")

                ' Let the base class create the HTML markup
                html = MyBase.GetDesignTimeHtml()
            Catch ex As Exception
                If String.IsNullOrEmpty(html) Then
                    ' Display the exception message
                    html = GetErrorDesignTimeHtml(ex)
                End If
            End Try

            Return html
        End Function

    End Class
End Namespace


屬性 ViewControlUsePreviewControl 使用 屬性來判斷其傳回值。

UsePreviewControl如果 屬性為 true ,則 ViewControl 屬性會傳回控制項的暫存複本。 暫存控制項的變更不會保存。

UsePreviewControl如果 屬性為 false ,則 ViewControl 屬性會傳回 控制項之 屬性的 Component 實例。 控制項實例的變更會保存。

物件 SupportsPreviewControl 中的 SupportsPreviewControlAttribute 設定是用來設定 屬性的值 UsePreviewControl 。 因此,設定 SupportsPreviewControl 會決定基 ControlDesigner 類中 屬性所 ViewControl 傳回的控制項類型。 SupportsPreviewControlAttribute如果未在控制項設計工具宣告中指定 ,則 ControlDesigner 物件行為相當於將 SupportsPreviewControl 屬性指定為 false

