BindingManagerBase.Position 屬性


當在衍生類別中覆寫時,取得或設定控制項 (繫結至這個資料來源) 所指向基礎清單中的位置。

 abstract property int Position { int get(); void set(int value); };
public abstract int Position { get; set; }
member this.Position : int with get, set
Public MustOverride Property Position As Integer




下列程式碼範例顯示四個設定 Position 屬性的方法。 方法會將 MoveNext 屬性遞增 1。 方法 MovePrevious 會將 屬性遞減 1。 方法會將 MoveFirst 屬性設定為 0,而 方法會將 MoveLast 屬性設定為 屬性減 1 的值 Count

   void BindingManagerBase_CurrentChanged( Object^ sender, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Print the new value of the current object.
      Console::Write( "Current Changed: " );
      Console::WriteLine( ( (BindingManagerBase^)(sender) )->Current );

   void MoveNext()
      // Increment the Position property value by one.
      myBindingManagerBase->Position = myBindingManagerBase->Position + 1;

   void MovePrevious()
      // Decrement the Position property value by one.
      myBindingManagerBase->Position = myBindingManagerBase->Position - 1;

   void MoveFirst()
      // Go to the first item in the list.
      myBindingManagerBase->Position = 0;

   void MoveLast()
      // Go to the last row in the list.
      myBindingManagerBase->Position = myBindingManagerBase->Count - 1;
private void BindingManagerBase_CurrentChanged
(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // Print the new value of the current object.
   Console.Write("Current Changed: ");

private void MoveNext()
   // Increment the Position property value by one.
   myBindingManagerBase.Position += 1;

private void MovePrevious()
   // Decrement the Position property value by one.
   myBindingManagerBase.Position -= 1;

private void MoveFirst()
   // Go to the first item in the list.
   myBindingManagerBase.Position = 0;

private void MoveLast()
   // Go to the last row in the list.
   myBindingManagerBase.Position = 
   myBindingManagerBase.Count - 1;
Private Sub BindingManagerBase_CurrentChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    ' Print the new value of the current object.
    Console.Write("Current Changed: ")
    Console.WriteLine(CType(sender, BindingManagerBase).Current)
End Sub

Private Sub MoveNext()
    ' Increment the Position property value by one.
    myBindingManagerBase.Position += 1
End Sub

Private Sub MovePrevious()
    ' Decrement the Position property value by one.
    myBindingManagerBase.Position -= 1
End Sub

Private Sub MoveFirst()
    ' Go to the first item in the list.
    myBindingManagerBase.Position = 0
End Sub

Private Sub MoveLast()
    ' Go to the last row in the list.
    myBindingManagerBase.Position = myBindingManagerBase.Count - 1
End Sub


Position使用 屬性逐一查看 所 BindingManagerBase 維護的基礎清單。 若要移至第一個專案,請將 設定 Position 為 0。 若要移至清單結尾,請將 設定 Position 為 屬性的值 Count 減 1。

PositionChanged 屬性值變更時, Position 就會發生此事件。

