
下列程式碼範例示範如何將代表 Lambda 運算式 num => num < 5 的運算式樹狀架構分解成各部組件。

// Add the following using directive to your code file:
// using System.Linq.Expressions;

// Create an expression tree.
Expression<Func<int, bool>> exprTree = num => num < 5;

// Decompose the expression tree.
ParameterExpression param = (ParameterExpression)exprTree.Parameters[0];
BinaryExpression operation = (BinaryExpression)exprTree.Body;
ParameterExpression left = (ParameterExpression)operation.Left;
ConstantExpression right = (ConstantExpression)operation.Right;

Console.WriteLine("Decomposed expression: {0} => {1} {2} {3}",
                  param.Name, left.Name, operation.NodeType, right.Value);

// This code produces the following output:

// Decomposed expression: num => num LessThan 5

現在,讓我們撰寫一些程式碼來查看「運算式樹狀架構」的結構。 運算式樹狀架構中的每個節點,都是衍生自 Expression 的類別物件。

該設計可讓您透過較簡單的遞迴作業,瀏覽運算式樹狀架構中的所有節點。 一般做法是從根節點開始,並判斷該節點所屬類型。

如果節點類型具有子系,則以遞迴方式瀏覽子系。 在每個子節點,重複根節點所使用的程序︰判斷類型;如果類型具有子系,則瀏覽每個子系。


讓我們先瀏覽一個簡單運算式樹狀架構中的每個節點。 下列程式碼會建立一個常數運算式,然後查看其屬性:

var constant = Expression.Constant(24, typeof(int));

Console.WriteLine($"This is a/an {constant.NodeType} expression type");
Console.WriteLine($"The type of the constant value is {constant.Type}");
Console.WriteLine($"The value of the constant value is {constant.Value}");


This is a/an Constant expression type
The type of the constant value is System.Int32
The value of the constant value is 24




Expression<Func<int>> sum = () => 1 + 2;


請勿使用 var 宣告此運算式樹狀架構,因為委派的自然型別為 Func<int>,而不是 Expression<Func<int>>

根節點是 LambdaExpression。 若要取得 => 運算子右邊的相關程式碼,您必須找到 LambdaExpression 的其中一個子系。 您需要將對本節中的所有運算式執行此作業。 父節點無法協助我們找到 LambdaExpression 的傳回型別。

為了查看此運算式中的每個節點,您必須以遞迴方式瀏覽許多節點。 以下是第一個簡單的實作:

Expression<Func<int, int, int>> addition = (a, b) => a + b;

Console.WriteLine($"This expression is a {addition.NodeType} expression type");
Console.WriteLine($"The name of the lambda is {((addition.Name == null) ? "<null>" : addition.Name)}");
Console.WriteLine($"The return type is {addition.ReturnType.ToString()}");
Console.WriteLine($"The expression has {addition.Parameters.Count} arguments. They are:");
foreach (var argumentExpression in addition.Parameters)
    Console.WriteLine($"\tParameter Type: {argumentExpression.Type.ToString()}, Name: {argumentExpression.Name}");

var additionBody = (BinaryExpression)addition.Body;
Console.WriteLine($"The body is a {additionBody.NodeType} expression");
Console.WriteLine($"The left side is a {additionBody.Left.NodeType} expression");
var left = (ParameterExpression)additionBody.Left;
Console.WriteLine($"\tParameter Type: {left.Type.ToString()}, Name: {left.Name}");
Console.WriteLine($"The right side is a {additionBody.Right.NodeType} expression");
var right = (ParameterExpression)additionBody.Right;
Console.WriteLine($"\tParameter Type: {right.Type.ToString()}, Name: {right.Name}");


This expression is a/an Lambda expression type
The name of the lambda is <null>
The return type is System.Int32
The expression has 2 arguments. They are:
        Parameter Type: System.Int32, Name: a
        Parameter Type: System.Int32, Name: b
The body is a/an Add expression
The left side is a Parameter expression
        Parameter Type: System.Int32, Name: a
The right side is a Parameter expression
        Parameter Type: System.Int32, Name: b

您會發現,在上述程式碼範例中有許多重複。 讓我們加以清除,以建立更具一般用途的運算式節點造訪者。 這需要撰寫遞迴演算法。 任何節點都可能是具有子系的類型。 具有子系的任何節點都需要我們瀏覽這些子系,並判斷該節點的類型。 以下是利用遞迴來瀏覽加法運算的已清除版本:

using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace Visitors;
// Base Visitor class:
public abstract class Visitor
    private readonly Expression node;

    protected Visitor(Expression node) => this.node = node;

    public abstract void Visit(string prefix);

    public ExpressionType NodeType => node.NodeType;
    public static Visitor CreateFromExpression(Expression node) =>
        node.NodeType switch
            ExpressionType.Constant => new ConstantVisitor((ConstantExpression)node),
            ExpressionType.Lambda => new LambdaVisitor((LambdaExpression)node),
            ExpressionType.Parameter => new ParameterVisitor((ParameterExpression)node),
            ExpressionType.Add => new BinaryVisitor((BinaryExpression)node),
            _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"Node not processed yet: {node.NodeType}"),

// Lambda Visitor
public class LambdaVisitor : Visitor
    private readonly LambdaExpression node;
    public LambdaVisitor(LambdaExpression node) : base(node) => this.node = node;

    public override void Visit(string prefix)
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}This expression is a {NodeType} expression type");
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The name of the lambda is {((node.Name == null) ? "<null>" : node.Name)}");
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The return type is {node.ReturnType}");
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The expression has {node.Parameters.Count} argument(s). They are:");
        // Visit each parameter:
        foreach (var argumentExpression in node.Parameters)
            var argumentVisitor = CreateFromExpression(argumentExpression);
            argumentVisitor.Visit(prefix + "\t");
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The expression body is:");
        // Visit the body:
        var bodyVisitor = CreateFromExpression(node.Body);
        bodyVisitor.Visit(prefix + "\t");

// Binary Expression Visitor:
public class BinaryVisitor : Visitor
    private readonly BinaryExpression node;
    public BinaryVisitor(BinaryExpression node) : base(node) => this.node = node;

    public override void Visit(string prefix)
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}This binary expression is a {NodeType} expression");
        var left = CreateFromExpression(node.Left);
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The Left argument is:");
        left.Visit(prefix + "\t");
        var right = CreateFromExpression(node.Right);
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The Right argument is:");
        right.Visit(prefix + "\t");

// Parameter visitor:
public class ParameterVisitor : Visitor
    private readonly ParameterExpression node;
    public ParameterVisitor(ParameterExpression node) : base(node)
        this.node = node;

    public override void Visit(string prefix)
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}This is an {NodeType} expression type");
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}Type: {node.Type}, Name: {node.Name}, ByRef: {node.IsByRef}");

// Constant visitor:
public class ConstantVisitor : Visitor
    private readonly ConstantExpression node;
    public ConstantVisitor(ConstantExpression node) : base(node) => this.node = node;

    public override void Visit(string prefix)
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}This is an {NodeType} expression type");
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The type of the constant value is {node.Type}");
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The value of the constant value is {node.Value}");

此演算法是瀏覽任意 LambdaExpression 的演算法基礎。 您所建立的程式碼只會尋找可能遇到運算式樹狀架構節點集的小部分樣本。 不過,您仍然可以從其產生的結果獲得相當程度的了解 (Visitor.CreateFromExpression 方法中的預設案例會在遇到新的節點類型時,將訊息列印至錯誤主控台。這樣一來,您就知道要新增運算式類型)。


This expression is a/an Lambda expression type
The name of the lambda is <null>
The return type is System.Int32
The expression has 2 argument(s). They are:
        This is an Parameter expression type
        Type: System.Int32, Name: a, ByRef: False
        This is an Parameter expression type
        Type: System.Int32, Name: b, ByRef: False
The expression body is:
        This binary expression is a Add expression
        The Left argument is:
                This is an Parameter expression type
                Type: System.Int32, Name: a, ByRef: False
        The Right argument is:
                This is an Parameter expression type
                Type: System.Int32, Name: b, ByRef: False




Expression<Func<int>> sum = () => 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;

在執行造訪者演算法的這些範例之前,請試著考慮輸出的可能結果。 請記住,+ 運算子是「二元運算子」︰它必須具有兩個子系,分別代表左右運算元。 您可以透過幾個可能的方法來建構正確的樹狀:

Expression<Func<int>> sum1 = () => 1 + (2 + (3 + 4));
Expression<Func<int>> sum2 = () => ((1 + 2) + 3) + 4;

Expression<Func<int>> sum3 = () => (1 + 2) + (3 + 4);
Expression<Func<int>> sum4 = () => 1 + ((2 + 3) + 4);
Expression<Func<int>> sum5 = () => (1 + (2 + 3)) + 4;

如您所見,這可分為兩組可能的解,以強調最可能發生的情況。 第一組代表「右向關聯」運算式。 第二組代表「左向關聯」運算式。 這兩種格式的優點在於,可根據任意數目的加法運算式來調整格式。


為執行此範例並查看完整的運算式樹狀架構,您需要對來源運算式樹狀架構進行一項變更。 當運算式樹狀架構包含所有常數時,所產生的樹狀只會包含常數值 10。 編譯器會執行所有加法,並將運算式縮減為最簡單的形式。 只要在運算式中新增一個變數,便足以查看原始樹狀:

Expression<Func<int, int>> sum = (a) => 1 + a + 3 + 4;


This expression is a/an Lambda expression type
The name of the lambda is <null>
The return type is System.Int32
The expression has 1 argument(s). They are:
        This is an Parameter expression type
        Type: System.Int32, Name: a, ByRef: False
The expression body is:
        This binary expression is a Add expression
        The Left argument is:
                This binary expression is a Add expression
                The Left argument is:
                        This binary expression is a Add expression
                        The Left argument is:
                                This is an Constant expression type
                                The type of the constant value is System.Int32
                                The value of the constant value is 1
                        The Right argument is:
                                This is an Parameter expression type
                                Type: System.Int32, Name: a, ByRef: False
                The Right argument is:
                        This is an Constant expression type
                        The type of the constant value is System.Int32
                        The value of the constant value is 3
        The Right argument is:
                This is an Constant expression type
                The type of the constant value is System.Int32
                The value of the constant value is 4

您可以透過造訪者程式碼執行任何其他範例,並查看其表示的樹狀架構。 以下是先前 sum3 運算式的範例 (包含可防止編譯器計算常數的額外參數):

Expression<Func<int, int, int>> sum3 = (a, b) => (1 + a) + (3 + b);


This expression is a/an Lambda expression type
The name of the lambda is <null>
The return type is System.Int32
The expression has 2 argument(s). They are:
        This is an Parameter expression type
        Type: System.Int32, Name: a, ByRef: False
        This is an Parameter expression type
        Type: System.Int32, Name: b, ByRef: False
The expression body is:
        This binary expression is a Add expression
        The Left argument is:
                This binary expression is a Add expression
                The Left argument is:
                        This is an Constant expression type
                        The type of the constant value is System.Int32
                        The value of the constant value is 1
                The Right argument is:
                        This is an Parameter expression type
                        Type: System.Int32, Name: a, ByRef: False
        The Right argument is:
                This binary expression is a Add expression
                The Left argument is:
                        This is an Constant expression type
                        The type of the constant value is System.Int32
                        The value of the constant value is 3
                The Right argument is:
                        This is an Parameter expression type
                        Type: System.Int32, Name: b, ByRef: False

請注意,輸出時不會包含括號。 運算式樹狀架構中沒有節點可表示輸入運算式中的括號。 運算式樹狀架構的結構包含傳達此優先順序的所有必要資訊。


此範例只會處理最基本的運算式樹狀架構。 您在本節中所看到的程式碼,只會處理常數整數和二元 + 運算子。 在最後一個範例中,讓我們更新造訪者以處理更複雜的運算式。 讓我們將此範例應用於下列階乘運算式:

Expression<Func<int, int>> factorial = (n) =>
    n == 0 ?
    1 :
    Enumerable.Range(1, n).Aggregate((product, factor) => product * factor);

此程式碼代表數學「階乘」函式的一個可能實作。 撰寫此程式碼的方式,將會強調透過將 Lambda 運算式指派給 Expressions 以建立運算式樹狀架構的兩個限制。 首先,不允許陳述式 Lambda。 這表示您無法使用迴圈、區塊、if/else 陳述式,以及 C# 中常見的其他控制結構。 僅限使用運算式。 其次,您無法以遞迴方式呼叫相同的運算式。 如果運算式已經是委派,則可以這樣做,但您無法採用其運算式樹狀架構形式進行呼叫。 在建立運算式樹狀架構一節中,您會學到如何克服這些限制的技巧。


  1. 等號 (二元運算式)
  2. 乘法 (二元運算式)
  3. 條件式 (? : 運算式)
  4. 方法呼叫運算式 (呼叫 Range()Aggregate())

修改造訪者演算法的其中一個方式,就是繼續執行,並在每次到達 default 子句時撰寫節點類型。 反覆運算幾次之後,您會看到每個可能的節點。 此時就具備所有必要項目。 結果看起來類似如下:

public static Visitor CreateFromExpression(Expression node) =>
    node.NodeType switch
        ExpressionType.Constant    => new ConstantVisitor((ConstantExpression)node),
        ExpressionType.Lambda      => new LambdaVisitor((LambdaExpression)node),
        ExpressionType.Parameter   => new ParameterVisitor((ParameterExpression)node),
        ExpressionType.Add         => new BinaryVisitor((BinaryExpression)node),
        ExpressionType.Equal       => new BinaryVisitor((BinaryExpression)node),
        ExpressionType.Multiply    => new BinaryVisitor((BinaryExpression) node),
        ExpressionType.Conditional => new ConditionalVisitor((ConditionalExpression) node),
        ExpressionType.Call        => new MethodCallVisitor((MethodCallExpression) node),
        _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"Node not processed yet: {node.NodeType}"),

ConditionalVisitorMethodCallVisitor 會處理這兩個節點:

public class ConditionalVisitor : Visitor
    private readonly ConditionalExpression node;
    public ConditionalVisitor(ConditionalExpression node) : base(node)
        this.node = node;

    public override void Visit(string prefix)
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}This expression is a {NodeType} expression");
        var testVisitor = Visitor.CreateFromExpression(node.Test);
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The Test for this expression is:");
        testVisitor.Visit(prefix + "\t");
        var trueVisitor = Visitor.CreateFromExpression(node.IfTrue);
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The True clause for this expression is:");
        trueVisitor.Visit(prefix + "\t");
        var falseVisitor = Visitor.CreateFromExpression(node.IfFalse);
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The False clause for this expression is:");
        falseVisitor.Visit(prefix + "\t");

public class MethodCallVisitor : Visitor
    private readonly MethodCallExpression node;
    public MethodCallVisitor(MethodCallExpression node) : base(node)
        this.node = node;

    public override void Visit(string prefix)
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}This expression is a {NodeType} expression");
        if (node.Object == null)
            Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}This is a static method call");
            Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The receiver (this) is:");
            var receiverVisitor = Visitor.CreateFromExpression(node.Object);
            receiverVisitor.Visit(prefix + "\t");

        var methodInfo = node.Method;
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The method name is {methodInfo.DeclaringType}.{methodInfo.Name}");
        // There is more here, like generic arguments, and so on.
        Console.WriteLine($"{prefix}The Arguments are:");
        foreach (var arg in node.Arguments)
            var argVisitor = Visitor.CreateFromExpression(arg);
            argVisitor.Visit(prefix + "\t");


This expression is a/an Lambda expression type
The name of the lambda is <null>
The return type is System.Int32
The expression has 1 argument(s). They are:
        This is an Parameter expression type
        Type: System.Int32, Name: n, ByRef: False
The expression body is:
        This expression is a Conditional expression
        The Test for this expression is:
                This binary expression is a Equal expression
                The Left argument is:
                        This is an Parameter expression type
                        Type: System.Int32, Name: n, ByRef: False
                The Right argument is:
                        This is an Constant expression type
                        The type of the constant value is System.Int32
                        The value of the constant value is 0
        The True clause for this expression is:
                This is an Constant expression type
                The type of the constant value is System.Int32
                The value of the constant value is 1
        The False clause for this expression is:
                This expression is a Call expression
                This is a static method call
                The method name is System.Linq.Enumerable.Aggregate
                The Arguments are:
                        This expression is a Call expression
                        This is a static method call
                        The method name is System.Linq.Enumerable.Range
                        The Arguments are:
                                This is an Constant expression type
                                The type of the constant value is System.Int32
                                The value of the constant value is 1
                                This is an Parameter expression type
                                Type: System.Int32, Name: n, ByRef: False
                        This expression is a Lambda expression type
                        The name of the lambda is <null>
                        The return type is System.Int32
                        The expression has 2 arguments. They are:
                                This is an Parameter expression type
                                Type: System.Int32, Name: product, ByRef: False
                                This is an Parameter expression type
                                Type: System.Int32, Name: factor, ByRef: False
                        The expression body is:
                                This binary expression is a Multiply expression
                                The Left argument is:
                                        This is an Parameter expression type
                                        Type: System.Int32, Name: product, ByRef: False
                                The Right argument is:
                                        This is an Parameter expression type
                                        Type: System.Int32, Name: factor, ByRef: False


本節中的範例示範用以瀏覽及查看運算式樹狀架構中所有節點的核心技術。 範例簡化了您會遇到的節點類型,以專注於造訪和存取運算式樹狀架構中節點的核心工作。

首先,造訪者只會處理整數常數。 這些常數值可以屬於任何其他數值類型,而且 C# 語言支援在這些類型之間進行轉換和提升。 此程式碼的更強固版本會反映所有這些功能。

即使最後一個範例也會識別可能的節點類型子集。 您仍可提供許多會造成其失敗的運算式。 完整的實作包含在 .NET Standard 的名稱 ExpressionVisitor 之下,其可處理所有可能的節點類型。

最後,本文中使用的程式庫是為了示範和學習所建立。 它不會經過最佳化。 目的是為了讓結構清楚,並強調用於瀏覽節點及分析其內容的技術。
