編譯器錯誤 CS0103

目前的內容中沒有名稱 'identifier'

嘗試使用類別、命名空間或範圍中沒有的名稱。 請檢查名稱的拼字,以及您的 using 指示詞和組件參考,以確定可使用您嘗試使用的名稱。

如果您在迴圈、tryif 區塊中宣告一個變數,然後嘗試從封入程式碼區塊或另一個程式碼區塊存取此變數,就會經常發生這種錯誤,如下列範例所示:


在 Lambda 運算式中遺漏 => 運算子的 greater than 符號時,也可能會顯示此錯誤。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Lambda 運算式

using System;

class MyClass1
    public static void Main()
            // The following declaration is only available inside the try block.
            var conn = new MyClass1();
        catch (Exception e)
            // The following expression causes error CS0103, because variable
            // conn only exists in the try block.
            if (conn != null)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", e);


using System;

class MyClass2
    public static void Main()
        // To resolve the error in the example, the first step is to
        // move the declaration of conn out of the try block. The following
        // declaration is available throughout the Main method.
        MyClass2 conn = null;
            // Inside the try block, use the conn variable that you declared
            // previously.
            conn = new MyClass2();
        catch (Exception e)
            // The following expression no longer causes an error, because
            // the declaration of conn is in scope.
            if (conn != null)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", e);