

類別 Clipboard 提供可用來與 Windows 作業系統剪貼簿功能互動的方法。 許多應用程式會使用剪貼簿作為資料的暫存存放庫。 例如,文字處理器會在剪下和貼上作業期間使用剪貼簿。 剪貼簿也適用于將資料從一個應用程式傳輸到另一個應用程式。

當您將資料新增至剪貼簿時,您可以指出資料格式,讓其他應用程式可以在使用該格式時辨識資料。 您也可以以多種不同格式將資料新增至剪貼簿,以增加可能使用資料的其他應用程式數目。

剪貼簿格式是識別格式的字串,讓使用該格式的應用程式可以擷取相關聯的資料。 類別 DataFormats 會提供預先定義的格式名稱以供您使用。 您也可以使用自己的格式名稱,或使用 物件的類型做為其格式。

若要以一或多個格式將資料新增至剪貼簿,請使用 SetDataObject 方法。 您可以將任何物件傳遞至此方法,但若要以多種格式新增資料,您必須先將資料新增至設計成使用多種格式的個別物件。 一般而言,您會將資料新增至 DataObject ,但您可以使用任何實作 IDataObject 介面的類型。

若要以單一通用格式將資料新增至剪貼簿,請使用該格式的特定方法,例如 SetText 文字。


所有以 Windows 為基礎的應用程式都會共用剪貼簿。 因此,當您切換到另一個應用程式時,內容可能會變更。

類別 Clipboard 只能在設定為單一執行緒 Apartment (STA) 模式的執行緒中使用。 若要使用此類別,請確定您的 Main 方法已標示為 STAThreadAttribute 屬性。

物件必須可序列化,才能放在剪貼簿上。 若要將類型設為可序列化,請使用 屬性標記它 SerializableAttribute 。 如果您將不可序列化的物件傳遞至剪貼簿方法,此方法將會失敗,而不會擲回例外狀況。 如需序列化的詳細資訊,請參閱 System.Runtime.Serialization


  1. SetAudio使用 、 SetFileDropListSetImageSetText 方法。

    // Demonstrates SetAudio, ContainsAudio, and GetAudioStream.
    public System.IO.Stream SwapClipboardAudio(
        System.IO.Stream replacementAudioStream)
        System.IO.Stream returnAudioStream = null;
        if (Clipboard.ContainsAudio())
            returnAudioStream = Clipboard.GetAudioStream();
        return returnAudioStream;
    // Demonstrates SetFileDropList, ContainsFileDroList, and GetFileDropList
    public System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
        System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection replacementList)
        System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection returnList = null;
        if (Clipboard.ContainsFileDropList())
            returnList = Clipboard.GetFileDropList();
        return returnList;
    // Demonstrates SetImage, ContainsImage, and GetImage.
    public System.Drawing.Image SwapClipboardImage(
        System.Drawing.Image replacementImage)
        System.Drawing.Image returnImage = null;
        if (Clipboard.ContainsImage())
            returnImage = Clipboard.GetImage();
        return returnImage;
    // Demonstrates SetText, ContainsText, and GetText.
    public String SwapClipboardHtmlText(String replacementHtmlText)
        String returnHtmlText = null;
        if (Clipboard.ContainsText(TextDataFormat.Html))
            returnHtmlText = Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.Html);
            Clipboard.SetText(replacementHtmlText, TextDataFormat.Html);
        return returnHtmlText;
    ' Demonstrates SetAudio, ContainsAudio, and GetAudioStream.
    Public Function SwapClipboardAudio( _
        ByVal replacementAudioStream As System.IO.Stream) _
        As System.IO.Stream
        Dim returnAudioStream As System.IO.Stream = Nothing
        If (Clipboard.ContainsAudio()) Then
            returnAudioStream = Clipboard.GetAudioStream()
        End If
        Return returnAudioStream
    End Function
    ' Demonstrates SetFileDropList, ContainsFileDroList, and GetFileDropList
    Public Function SwapClipboardFileDropList(ByVal replacementList _
        As System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection) _
        As System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
        Dim returnList As System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection _
            = Nothing
        If Clipboard.ContainsFileDropList() Then
            returnList = Clipboard.GetFileDropList()
        End If
        Return returnList
    End Function
    ' Demonstrates SetImage, ContainsImage, and GetImage.
    Public Function SwapClipboardImage( _
        ByVal replacementImage As System.Drawing.Image) _
        As System.Drawing.Image
        Dim returnImage As System.Drawing.Image = Nothing
        If Clipboard.ContainsImage() Then
            returnImage = Clipboard.GetImage()
        End If
        Return returnImage
    End Function
    ' Demonstrates SetText, ContainsText, and GetText.
    Public Function SwapClipboardHtmlText( _
        ByVal replacementHtmlText As String) As String
        Dim returnHtmlText As String = Nothing
        If (Clipboard.ContainsText(TextDataFormat.Html)) Then
            returnHtmlText = Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.Html)
            Clipboard.SetText(replacementHtmlText, TextDataFormat.Html)
        End If
        Return returnHtmlText
    End Function


  1. 使用 SetData 方法搭配自訂格式名稱。

    您也可以搭配 方法使用預先定義的格式名稱 SetData 。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱DataFormats

    // Demonstrates SetData, ContainsData, and GetData
    // using a custom format name and a business object.
    public Customer TestCustomFormat
            Clipboard.SetData("CustomerFormat", new Customer("Customer Name"));
            if (Clipboard.ContainsData("CustomerFormat"))
                return Clipboard.GetData("CustomerFormat") as Customer;
            return null;
    ' Demonstrates SetData, ContainsData, and GetData
    ' using a custom format name and a business object.
    Public ReadOnly Property TestCustomFormat() As Customer
            Clipboard.SetData("CustomerFormat", New Customer("Customer Name"))
            If Clipboard.ContainsData("CustomerFormat") Then
                Return CType(Clipboard.GetData("CustomerFormat"), Customer)
            End If
            Return Nothing
        End Get
    End Property
    public class Customer
        private string nameValue = string.Empty;
        public Customer(String name)
            nameValue = name;
        public string Name
            get { return nameValue; }
            set { nameValue = value; }
    <Serializable()> Public Class Customer
        Private nameValue As String = String.Empty
        Public Sub New(ByVal name As String)
            nameValue = name
        End Sub
        Public Property Name() As String
                Return nameValue
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                nameValue = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class


  1. Clipboard.SetDataObject使用 方法並傳入 DataObject 包含您資料的 。

    // Demonstrates how to use a DataObject to add
    // data to the Clipboard in multiple formats.
    public void TestClipboardMultipleFormats()
        DataObject data = new DataObject();
        // Add a Customer object using the type as the format.
        data.SetData(new Customer("Customer as Customer object"));
        // Add a ListViewItem object using a custom format name.
            new ListViewItem("Customer as ListViewItem"));
        DataObject retrievedData = (DataObject)Clipboard.GetDataObject();
        if (retrievedData.GetDataPresent("CustomFormat"))
            ListViewItem item =
                retrievedData.GetData("CustomFormat") as ListViewItem;
            if (item != null)
        if (retrievedData.GetDataPresent(typeof(Customer)))
            Customer customer =
                retrievedData.GetData(typeof(Customer)) as Customer;
            if (customer != null)
    ' Demonstrates how to use a DataObject to add
    ' data to the Clipboard in multiple formats.
    Public Sub TestClipboardMultipleFormats()
        Dim data As New DataObject()
        ' Add a Customer object using the type as the format.
        data.SetData(New Customer("Customer as Customer object"))
        ' Add a ListViewItem object using a custom format name.
        data.SetData("CustomFormat", _
            New ListViewItem("Customer as ListViewItem"))
        Dim retrievedData As DataObject = _
            CType(Clipboard.GetDataObject(), DataObject)
        If (retrievedData.GetDataPresent("CustomFormat")) Then
            Dim item As ListViewItem = _
                TryCast(retrievedData.GetData("CustomFormat"), ListViewItem)
            If item IsNot Nothing Then
            End If
        End If
        If retrievedData.GetDataPresent(GetType(Customer)) Then
            Dim customer As Customer = _
                CType(retrievedData.GetData(GetType(Customer)), Customer)
            If customer IsNot Nothing Then
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    public class Customer
        private string nameValue = string.Empty;
        public Customer(String name)
            nameValue = name;
        public string Name
            get { return nameValue; }
            set { nameValue = value; }
    <Serializable()> Public Class Customer
        Private nameValue As String = String.Empty
        Public Sub New(ByVal name As String)
            nameValue = name
        End Sub
        Public Property Name() As String
                Return nameValue
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                nameValue = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class
