檢閱「do」和 「while」挑戰活動的解決方案



int hero = 10;
int monster = 10;

Random dice = new Random();

    int roll = dice.Next(1, 11);
    monster -= roll;
    Console.WriteLine($"Monster was damaged and lost {roll} health and now has {monster} health.");

    if (monster <= 0) continue;

    roll = dice.Next(1, 11);
    hero -= roll;
    Console.WriteLine($"Hero was damaged and lost {roll} health and now has {hero} health.");

} while (hero > 0 && monster > 0);

Console.WriteLine(hero > monster ? "Hero wins!" : "Monster wins!");



Monster was damaged and lost 1 health and now has 9 health.
Hero was damaged and lost 2 health and now has 8 health.
Monster was damaged and lost 1 health and now has 8 health.
Hero was damaged and lost 4 health and now has 4 health.
Monster was damaged and lost 7 health and now has 1 health.
Hero was damaged and lost 6 health and now has -2 health.
Monster wins!

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