練習 - 完成將字串內插補點套用至表單字母的挑戰


對於銷售和市場行銷公司的最新投資產品,您將會傳送數千封個人化信函給公司的現有客戶。 您的工作是撰寫 C# 程式碼,以合併有關客戶的個人化資訊。 該信函包含諸如其現有投資組合的資訊,而且比較其目前報酬率與投資新產品的預計報酬率。

作者已決定使用下列範例行銷訊息。 以下是所需的輸出 (使用虛構的客戶帳戶資料)。

Dear Ms. Barros,
As a customer of our Magic Yield offering we are excited to tell you about a new financial product that would dramatically increase your return.

Currently, you own 2,975,000.00 shares at a return of 12.75%.

Our new product, Glorious Future offers a return of 13.13%.  Given your current volume, your potential profit would be ¤63,000,000.00.

Here's a quick comparison:

Magic Yield         12.75%   $55,000,000.00      
Glorious Future     13.13%   $63,000,000.00  

使用您的新發現的字串格式設定知識來建立應用程式,以依據上述範例輸出來合併適當的內容並設定其格式。 請特別注意空白字元,並確定您使用 C# 正確地表示這種確切格式。

  1. 選取並刪除 Visual Studio Code 編輯器中的所有程式碼行。

  2. 在 Visual Studio Code 中,新增下列程式碼以取得挑戰的資料:

    string customerName = "Ms. Barros";
    string currentProduct = "Magic Yield";
    int currentShares = 2975000;
    decimal currentReturn = 0.1275m;
    decimal currentProfit = 55000000.0m;
    string newProduct = "Glorious Future";
    decimal newReturn = 0.13125m;
    decimal newProfit = 63000000.0m;
    // Your logic here
    Console.WriteLine("Here's a quick comparison:\n");
    string comparisonMessage = "";
    // Your logic here
  3. 使用 Visual Studio Code 編輯器在使用指定的變數和程式碼時產生訊息。


  4. 請確定您的程式碼會輸出下列訊息:

    Dear Ms. Barros,
    As a customer of our Magic Yield offering we are excited to tell you about a new financial product that would dramatically increase your return.
    Currently, you own 2,975,000.00 shares at a return of 12.75%.
    Our new product, Glorious Future offers a return of 13.13%.  Given your current volume, your potential profit would be ¤63,000,000.00.
    Here's a quick comparison:
    Magic Yield         12.75%   $55,000,000.00      
    Glorious Future     13.13%   $63,000,000.00  

