建立 Cmdlet 以存取資料存放區

本節說明如何建立 Cmdlet,以利用 Windows PowerShell 提供者來存取儲存的資料。 這種類型的 Cmdlet 會使用 Windows PowerShell 執行時間的 Windows PowerShell 提供者基礎結構,因此,Cmdlet 類別必須衍生自PSCmdlet基類。

此處所述的 Select-Str Cmdlet 可以在檔案或物件中尋找並選取字串。 用來識別字串的模式可透過 Cmdlet 的參數明確指定, Path 或透過參數隱含地指定 Script

此 Cmdlet 是設計來使用任何衍生自IcontentCmdletprovider的 Windows PowerShell 提供者。 例如,此 Cmdlet 可以指定 Windows PowerShell 所提供的 FileSystem 提供者或變數提供者。 如需 aboutWindows PowerShell 提供者的詳細資訊,請參閱設計您的 Windows PowerShell 提供者

定義 Cmdlet 類別

Cmdlet 建立的第一個步驟,一律會命名 Cmdlet 並宣告可執行 Cmdlet 的 .NET 類別。 此 Cmdlet 會偵測特定的字串,因此在這裡選擇的動詞名稱是 Verbscommon 類別所定義的 "Select"。 使用名詞名稱 "Str",因為 Cmdlet 會在字串上運作。 在下列宣告中,請注意 Cmdlet 動詞和名詞名稱會反映在 Cmdlet 類別的名稱中。 如需已核准 Cmdlet 動詞命令的詳細資訊,請參閱 Cmdlet 動詞命令名稱

此 Cmdlet 的 .net 類別必須衍生自PSCmdlet基類,因為它會提供 Windows PowerShell 執行時間所需的支援,以公開 Windows PowerShell 提供者基礎結構。 請注意,這個 Cmdlet 也會利用 .NET Framework 的正則運算式類別,例如>system.text.regularexpressions。

下列程式碼是此 Select-Str Cmdlet 的類別定義。

[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Select, "Str", DefaultParameterSetName="PatternParameterSet")]
public class SelectStringCommand : PSCmdlet

這個 Cmdlet 會藉由將 attribute 關鍵字加入至類別宣告,來定義預設參數集 DefaultParameterSetNamePatternParameterSet未指定參數時,會使用預設參數集 Script 。 如需這個參數集的詳細資訊,請 Pattern 參閱 Script 下一節中的和參數討論。


此 Cmdlet 會定義數個參數,可讓使用者存取和檢查儲存的資料。 這些參數包含一個 Path 參數,指出資料存放區的位置、 Pattern 指定要在搜尋中使用之模式的參數,以及數個支援搜尋執行方式的其他參數。


如需有關定義參數之基本概念的詳細資訊,請參閱 加入處理命令列輸入的參數

宣告 Path 參數

若要找出資料存放區,此 Cmdlet 必須使用 Windows PowerShell 路徑來識別設計用來存取資料存放區的 Windows PowerShell 提供者。 因此,它會定義 Path 字串陣列類型的參數,以表示提供者的位置。

           Position = 0,
           ParameterSetName = "ScriptParameterSet",
           Mandatory = true)]
           Position = 0,
           ParameterSetName = "PatternParameterSet",
           ValueFromPipeline = true,
           Mandatory = true)]
public string[] Path
  get { return paths; }
  set { paths = value; }
private string[] paths;


Parameterattribute屬性(attribute)會宣告 Path 參數屬於 ScriptParameterSetPatternParameterSet 。 如需參數集的詳細資訊,請參閱 將參數集合新增至 Cmdlet

Aliasattribute屬性會宣告 PSPath 此參數的別名 Path 。 強烈建議宣告此別名,以與其他存取 Windows PowerShell 提供者的 Cmdlet 一致。 如需 aboutWindows powershell 路徑的詳細資訊,請參閱Windows PowerShell 運作方式中的「powershell 路徑概念」。


為了指定要搜尋的模式,此 Cmdlet Pattern 會宣告為字串陣列的參數。 當資料存放區中找到任何模式時,就會傳回正值結果。 請注意,這些模式可以編譯成已編譯的正則運算式陣列,或是用於常值搜尋的萬用字元模式陣列。

           Position = 1,
           ParameterSetName = "PatternParameterSet",
           Mandatory = true)]
public string[] Pattern
  get { return patterns; }
  set { patterns = value; }
private string[] patterns;
private Regex[] regexPattern;
private WildcardPattern[] wildcardPattern;

指定此參數時,Cmdlet 會使用預設參數集 PatternParameterSet 。 在此情況下,Cmdlet 會使用此處指定的模式來選取字串。 相反 Script 地,參數也可以用來提供包含模式的腳本。 ScriptPattern 參數會定義兩個不同的參數集,因此它們互斥。


此 Cmdlet 會定義下列支援參數,這些參數可用於修改 Cmdlet 的搜尋功能。

Script參數指定的腳本區塊可以用來提供 Cmdlet 的替代搜尋機制。 腳本必須包含用來比對的模式,並傳回 system.object 物件。 請注意,此參數也是識別參數集的唯一參數 ScriptParameterSet 。 當 Windows PowerShell 執行時間看到此參數時,它只會使用屬於 ScriptParameterSet 參數集的參數。

           Position = 1,
           ParameterSetName = "ScriptParameterSet",
           Mandatory = true)]
public ScriptBlock Script
  set { script = value; }
  get { return script; }
ScriptBlock script;

SimpleMatch參數是切換參數,指出 Cmdlet 是否要在提供時明確符合模式。 當使用者在命令列 () 指定參數時 true ,此 Cmdlet 會使用提供的模式。 如果未指定 () 的參數 false ,Cmdlet 會使用正則運算式。 此參數的預設值為 false

public SwitchParameter SimpleMatch
  get { return simpleMatch; }
  set { simpleMatch = value; }
private bool simpleMatch;

CaseSensitive參數是切換參數,指出是否執行區分大小寫的搜尋。 當使用者在命令列 () 指定參數時 true ,此 Cmdlet 會在比較模式時,檢查是否有大寫和小寫的字元。 如果未指定 () 的參數 false ,則 Cmdlet 不會區分大小寫。 例如,"Myfile.txt" 和 "myfile.txt" 都會以正面的叫用方式傳回。 此參數的預設值為 false

public SwitchParameter CaseSensitive
  get { return caseSensitive; }
  set { caseSensitive = value; }
private bool caseSensitive;

ExcludeInclude 參數會識別在搜尋中明確排除或包含的專案。 根據預設,此 Cmdlet 會搜尋資料存放區中的所有專案。 不過,若要限制 Cmdlet 所執行的搜尋,這些參數可以用來明確指出要包含在搜尋中的專案或省略的專案。

public SwitchParameter CaseSensitive
  get { return caseSensitive; }
  set { caseSensitive = value; }
private bool caseSensitive;
public string[] Include
    return includeStrings;
    includeStrings = value;

    this.include = new WildcardPattern[includeStrings.Length];
    for (int i = 0; i < includeStrings.Length; i++)
      this.include[i] = new WildcardPattern(includeStrings[i], WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);

internal string[] includeStrings = null;
internal WildcardPattern[] include = null;


此 Cmdlet 會使用兩個參數集 (ScriptParameterSetPatternParameterSet ,這是預設) ,做為資料存取中使用的兩個參數集的名稱。 PatternParameterSet 是預設參數集,並在 Pattern 指定參數時使用。 ScriptParameterSet 當使用者透過參數指定替代搜尋機制時,會使用 Script 。 如需參數集的詳細資訊,請參閱 將參數集合新增至 Cmdlet


Cmdlet 必須覆寫 PSCmdlet 類別的一或多個輸入處理方法。 如需輸入處理方法的詳細資訊,請參閱 建立您的第一個 Cmdlet

此 Cmdlet 會覆寫 BeginProcessing 方法,以在啟動時建立編譯的正則運算式陣列。 這可在不使用簡單比對的搜尋期間增加效能。

protected override void BeginProcessing()
  WriteDebug("Validating patterns.");
  if (patterns != null)
    foreach(string pattern in patterns)
      if (pattern == null)
      ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(
                            new ArgumentNullException(
                            "Search pattern cannot be null."),

    WriteVerbose("Search pattern(s) are valid.");

    // If a simple match is not specified, then
    // compile the regular expressions once.
    if (!simpleMatch)
      WriteDebug("Compiling search regular expressions.");

      RegexOptions regexOptions = RegexOptions.Compiled;
      if (!caseSensitive)
         regexOptions |= RegexOptions.Compiled;
      regexPattern = new Regex[patterns.Length];

      for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++)
          regexPattern[i] = new Regex(patterns[i], regexOptions);
        catch (ArgumentException ex)
          ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(
      } //Loop through patterns to create RegEx objects.

      WriteVerbose("Pattern(s) compiled into regular expressions.");
    }// If not a simple match.

    // If a simple match is specified, then compile the
    // wildcard patterns once.
      WriteDebug("Compiling search wildcards.");

      WildcardOptions wildcardOptions = WildcardOptions.Compiled;

      if (!caseSensitive)
        wildcardOptions |= WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase;

      wildcardPattern = new WildcardPattern[patterns.Length];
      for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++)
        wildcardPattern[i] =
                     new WildcardPattern(patterns[i], wildcardOptions);

      WriteVerbose("Pattern(s) compiled into wildcard expressions.");
    }// If match is a simple match.
  }// If valid patterns are available.
}// End of function BeginProcessing().

此 Cmdlet 也會覆寫 ProcessRecord 方法,以處理使用者在命令列上所做的字串選取專案。 它會藉由呼叫私用 MatchString 方法,以自訂物件的形式寫入字串選取結果。

protected override void ProcessRecord()
  UInt64 lineNumber = 0;
  MatchInfo result;
  ArrayList nonMatches = new ArrayList();

  // Walk the list of paths and search the contents for
  // any of the specified patterns.
  foreach (string psPath in paths)
    // Once the filepaths are expanded, we may have more than one
    // path, so process all referenced paths.
    foreach(PathInfo path in
      WriteVerbose("Processing path " + path.Path);

      // Check if the path represents one of the items to be
      // excluded. If so, continue to next path.
      if (!MeetsIncludeExcludeCriteria(path.ProviderPath))

      // Get the content reader for the item(s) at the
      // specified path.
      Collection<IContentReader> readerCollection = null;
        readerCollection =
      catch (PSNotSupportedException ex)
        WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex,

      foreach(IContentReader reader in readerCollection)
        // Reset the line number for this path.
        lineNumber = 0;

        // Read in a single block (line in case of a file)
        // from the object.
        IList items = reader.Read(1);

        // Read and process one block(line) at a time until
        // no more blocks(lines) exist.
        while (items != null && items.Count == 1)
          // Increment the line number each time a line is
          // processed.

          String message = String.Format("Testing line {0} : {1}",
                                        lineNumber, items[0]);


          result = SelectString(items[0]);

          if (result != null)
            result.Path = path.Path;
            result.LineNumber = lineNumber;

            // Add the block(line) that did not match to the
            // collection of non matches , which will be stored
            // in the SessionState variable $NonMatches

          // Get the next line from the object.
          items = reader.Read(1);

        }// While loop for reading one line at a time.
      }// Foreach loop for reader collection.
    }// Foreach loop for processing referenced paths.
  }// Foreach loop for walking of path list.

  // Store the list of non-matches in the
  // session state variable $NonMatches.
    this.SessionState.PSVariable.Set("NonMatches", nonMatches);
  catch (SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException ex)
    WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex,

}// End of protected override void ProcessRecord().


您的 Cmdlet 必須開啟 Windows PowerShell 路徑所指定的提供者,才能存取資料。 系統會使用該執行時間的 Sessionstate 物件來存取提供者,而此 Cmdlet 的 PSCmdlet. Invokeprovider * 屬性則是用來開啟提供者。 開啟提供者的 Providerintrinsics 物件,即可提供內容的存取權。

此範例 Select-Str Cmdlet 會使用 Providerintrinsics 內容 * 屬性來公開要掃描的內容。 然後,它會呼叫ContentCmdletproviderintrinsics. system.diagnostics.symbolstore.isymbolbinder1.getreader *方法,並傳遞必要的 Windows PowerShell 路徑。


下列程式碼顯示此 Select-Str Cmdlet 的這個版本的執行。 請注意,此程式碼包含 Cmdlet 類別、Cmdlet 所使用的私用方法,以及用來註冊 Cmdlet 的 Windows PowerShell 嵌入式管理單元程式碼。 如需註冊 Cmdlet 的詳細資訊,請參閱 建立 Cmdlet

// Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Provider;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace Microsoft.Samples.PowerShell.Commands
  #region SelectStringCommand
  /// <summary>
  /// This cmdlet searches through PSObjects for particular patterns.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// This cmdlet can be used to search any object, such as a file or a
  /// variable, whose provider exposes methods for reading and writing
  /// content.
  /// </remarks>
  [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Select, "Str", DefaultParameterSetName="PatternParameterSet")]
  public class SelectStringCommand : PSCmdlet
    #region Parameters
    /// <summary>
    /// Declare a Path parameter that specifies where the data is stored.
    /// This parameter must specify a PowerShell that indicates the
    /// PowerShell provider that is used to access the objects to be
    /// searched for matching patterns. This parameter should also have
    /// a PSPath alias to provide consistency with other cmdlets that use
    /// PowerShell providers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>Path of the object(s) to search.</value>
               Position = 0,
               ParameterSetName = "ScriptParameterSet",
               Mandatory = true)]
               Position = 0,
               ParameterSetName = "PatternParameterSet",
               ValueFromPipeline = true,
               Mandatory = true)]
    public string[] Path
      get { return paths; }
      set { paths = value; }
    private string[] paths;

    /// <summary>
    /// Declare a Pattern parameter that specifies the pattern(s)
    /// used to find matching patterns in the string representation
    /// of the objects. A positive result will be returned
    /// if any of the patterns are found in the objects.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The patterns will be compiled into an array of wildcard
    /// patterns for a simple match (literal string matching),
    /// or the patterns will be converted into an array of compiled
    /// regular expressions.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <value>Array of patterns to search.</value>
               Position = 1,
               ParameterSetName = "PatternParameterSet",
               Mandatory = true)]
    public string[] Pattern
      get { return patterns; }
      set { patterns = value; }
    private string[] patterns;
    private Regex[] regexPattern;
    private WildcardPattern[] wildcardPattern;

    /// <summary>
    /// Declare a Script parameter that specifies a script block
    /// that is called to perform the matching operations
    /// instead of the matching performed by the cmdlet.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>Script block that will be called for matching</value>
               Position = 1,
               ParameterSetName = "ScriptParameterSet",
               Mandatory = true)]
    public ScriptBlock Script
      set { script = value; }
      get { return script; }
    ScriptBlock script;

    /// <summary>
    /// Declare a switch parameter that specifies if the pattern(s) are used
    /// literally. If not (default), searching is
    /// done using regular expressions.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>If True, a literal pattern is used.</value>
    public SwitchParameter SimpleMatch
      get { return simpleMatch; }
      set { simpleMatch = value; }
    private bool simpleMatch;

    /// <summary>
    /// Declare a switch parameter that specifies if a case-sensitive
    /// search is performed.  If not (default), a case-insensitive search
    /// is performed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>If True, a case-sensitive search is made.</value>
    public SwitchParameter CaseSensitive
      get { return caseSensitive; }
      set { caseSensitive = value; }
    private bool caseSensitive;

    /// <summary>
    /// Declare an Include parameter that species which
    /// specific items are searched.  When this parameter
    /// is used, items that are not listed here are omitted
    /// from the search.
    /// </summary>
    public string[] Include
        return includeStrings;
        includeStrings = value;

        this.include = new WildcardPattern[includeStrings.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < includeStrings.Length; i++)
          this.include[i] = new WildcardPattern(includeStrings[i], WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);

    internal string[] includeStrings = null;
    internal WildcardPattern[] include = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Declare an Exclude parameter that species which
    /// specific items are omitted from the search.
    /// </summary>
    public string[] Exclude
        return excludeStrings;
        excludeStrings = value;

        this.exclude = new WildcardPattern[excludeStrings.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < excludeStrings.Length; i++)
          this.exclude[i] = new WildcardPattern(excludeStrings[i], WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
    internal string[] excludeStrings;
    internal WildcardPattern[] exclude;

    #endregion Parameters

    #region Overrides
    /// <summary>
    /// If regular expressions are used for pattern matching,
    /// then build an array of compiled regular expressions
    /// at startup. This increases performance during scanning
    /// operations when simple matching is not used.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void BeginProcessing()
      WriteDebug("Validating patterns.");
      if (patterns != null)
        foreach(string pattern in patterns)
          if (pattern == null)
          ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(
                                new ArgumentNullException(
                                "Search pattern cannot be null."),

        WriteVerbose("Search pattern(s) are valid.");

        // If a simple match is not specified, then
        // compile the regular expressions once.
        if (!simpleMatch)
          WriteDebug("Compiling search regular expressions.");

          RegexOptions regexOptions = RegexOptions.Compiled;
          if (!caseSensitive)
             regexOptions |= RegexOptions.Compiled;
          regexPattern = new Regex[patterns.Length];

          for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++)
              regexPattern[i] = new Regex(patterns[i], regexOptions);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
              ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(
          } //Loop through patterns to create RegEx objects.

          WriteVerbose("Pattern(s) compiled into regular expressions.");
        }// If not a simple match.

        // If a simple match is specified, then compile the
        // wildcard patterns once.
          WriteDebug("Compiling search wildcards.");

          WildcardOptions wildcardOptions = WildcardOptions.Compiled;

          if (!caseSensitive)
            wildcardOptions |= WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase;

          wildcardPattern = new WildcardPattern[patterns.Length];
          for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++)
            wildcardPattern[i] =
                         new WildcardPattern(patterns[i], wildcardOptions);

          WriteVerbose("Pattern(s) compiled into wildcard expressions.");
        }// If match is a simple match.
      }// If valid patterns are available.
    }// End of function BeginProcessing().

    /// <summary>
    /// Process the input and search for the specified patterns.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void ProcessRecord()
      UInt64 lineNumber = 0;
      MatchInfo result;
      ArrayList nonMatches = new ArrayList();

      // Walk the list of paths and search the contents for
      // any of the specified patterns.
      foreach (string psPath in paths)
        // Once the filepaths are expanded, we may have more than one
        // path, so process all referenced paths.
        foreach(PathInfo path in
          WriteVerbose("Processing path " + path.Path);

          // Check if the path represents one of the items to be
          // excluded. If so, continue to next path.
          if (!MeetsIncludeExcludeCriteria(path.ProviderPath))

          // Get the content reader for the item(s) at the
          // specified path.
          Collection<IContentReader> readerCollection = null;
            readerCollection =
          catch (PSNotSupportedException ex)
            WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex,

          foreach(IContentReader reader in readerCollection)
            // Reset the line number for this path.
            lineNumber = 0;

            // Read in a single block (line in case of a file)
            // from the object.
            IList items = reader.Read(1);

            // Read and process one block(line) at a time until
            // no more blocks(lines) exist.
            while (items != null && items.Count == 1)
              // Increment the line number each time a line is
              // processed.

              String message = String.Format("Testing line {0} : {1}",
                                            lineNumber, items[0]);


              result = SelectString(items[0]);

              if (result != null)
                result.Path = path.Path;
                result.LineNumber = lineNumber;

                // Add the block(line) that did not match to the
                // collection of non matches , which will be stored
                // in the SessionState variable $NonMatches

              // Get the next line from the object.
              items = reader.Read(1);

            }// While loop for reading one line at a time.
          }// Foreach loop for reader collection.
        }// Foreach loop for processing referenced paths.
      }// Foreach loop for walking of path list.

      // Store the list of non-matches in the
      // session state variable $NonMatches.
        this.SessionState.PSVariable.Set("NonMatches", nonMatches);
      catch (SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException ex)
        WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex,

    }// End of protected override void ProcessRecord().
    #endregion Overrides

    #region PrivateMethods
    /// <summary>
    /// Check for a match using the input string and the pattern(s)
    /// specified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="input">The string to test.</param>
    /// <returns>MatchInfo object containing information about
    /// result of a match</returns>
    private MatchInfo SelectString(object input)
      string line = null;

        // Convert the object to a string type
        // safely using language support methods
        line = (string)LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(
        line = line.Trim(' ','\t');
      catch (PSInvalidCastException ex)
        WriteError(new ErrorRecord(

        return null;

      MatchInfo result = null;

      // If a scriptblock has been specified, call it
      // with the path for processing.  It will return
      // one object.
      if (script != null)
        WriteDebug("Executing script block.");

        Collection<PSObject> psObjects =

        foreach (PSObject psObject in psObjects)
          if (LanguagePrimitives.IsTrue(psObject))
            result = new MatchInfo();
            result.Line = line;
            result.IgnoreCase = !caseSensitive;

          } //End of If.
        } //End ForEach loop.
      } // End of If if script exists.

      // If script block exists, see if this line matches any
      // of the match patterns.
        int patternIndex = 0;

        while (patternIndex < patterns.Length)
          if ((simpleMatch &&
              || (regexPattern != null
              && regexPattern[patternIndex].IsMatch(line))
            result = new MatchInfo();
            result.IgnoreCase = !caseSensitive;
            result.Line = line;
            result.Pattern = patterns[patternIndex];



        }// While loop through patterns.
      }// Else for no script block specified.

      return result;

    }// End of SelectString

    /// <summary>
    /// Check whether the supplied name meets the include/exclude criteria.
    /// That is - it's on the include list if the include list was
    /// specified, and not on the exclude list if the exclude list was specified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="path">path to validate</param>
    /// <returns>True if the path is acceptable.</returns>
    private bool MeetsIncludeExcludeCriteria(string path)
      bool ok = false;

      // See if the file is on the include list.
      if (this.include != null)
        foreach (WildcardPattern patternItem in this.include)
          if (patternItem.IsMatch(path))
            ok = true;
        ok = true;

      if (!ok)
         return false;

      // See if the file is on the exclude list.
      if (this.exclude != null)
        foreach (WildcardPattern patternItem in this.exclude)
          if (patternItem.IsMatch(path))
            ok = false;

      return ok;
    } //MeetsIncludeExcludeCriteria
    #endregion Private Methods

  }// class SelectStringCommand

  #endregion SelectStringCommand

  #region MatchInfo

  /// <summary>
  /// Class representing the result of a pattern/literal match
  /// that is passed through the pipeline by the Select-Str cmdlet.
  /// </summary>
  public class MatchInfo
    /// <summary>
    /// Indicates if the match was done ignoring case.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>True if case was ignored.</value>
    public bool IgnoreCase
      get { return ignoreCase; }
      set { ignoreCase = value; }
    private bool ignoreCase;

    /// <summary>
    /// Specifies the number of the matching line.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>The number of the matching line.</value>
    public UInt64 LineNumber
      get { return lineNumber; }
      set { lineNumber = value; }
    private UInt64 lineNumber;

    /// <summary>
    /// Specifies the text of the matching line.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>The text of the matching line.</value>
    public string Line
      get { return line; }
      set { line = value; }
    private string line;

    /// <summary>
    /// Specifies the full path of the object(file) containing the
    /// matching line.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// It will be "inputStream" if the object came from the input
    /// stream.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <value>The path name</value>
    public string Path
      get { return path; }
        pathSet = true;
        path = value;
    private string path;
    private bool pathSet;

    /// <summary>
    /// Specifies the pattern that was used in the match.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>The pattern string</value>
    public string Pattern
      get { return pattern; }
      set { pattern = value; }
    private string pattern;

    private const string MatchFormat = "{0}:{1}:{2}";

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the string representation of this object. The format
    /// depends on whether a path has been set for this object or
    /// not.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If the path component is set, as would be the case when
    /// matching in a file, ToString() returns the path, line
    /// number and line text.  If path is not set, then just the
    /// line text is presented.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <returns>The string representation of the match object.</returns>
    public override string ToString()
      if (pathSet)
         return String.Format(
         return this.line;
  }// End class MatchInfo


  #region PowerShell snap-in

  /// <summary>
  /// Create a PowerShell snap-in for the Select-Str cmdlet.
  /// </summary>
  public class SelectStringPSSnapIn : PSSnapIn
    /// <summary>
    /// Create an instance of the SelectStrPSSnapin class.
    /// </summary>
    public SelectStringPSSnapIn()
           : base()

    /// <summary>
    /// Specify the name of the PowerShell snap-in.
    /// </summary>
    public override string Name
        return "SelectStrPSSnapIn";

    /// <summary>
    /// Specify the vendor of the PowerShell snap-in.
    /// </summary>
    public override string Vendor
        return "Microsoft";

    /// <summary>
    /// Specify the localization resource information for the vendor.
    /// Use the format: SnapinName,VendorName.
    /// </summary>
    public override string VendorResource
        return "SelectStrSnapIn,Microsoft";

    /// <summary>
    /// Specify the description of the PowerShell snap-in.
    /// </summary>
    public override string Description
          return "This is a PowerShell snap-in for the Select-Str cmdlet.";

    /// <summary>
    /// Specify the localization resource information for the description.
    /// Use the format: SnapinName,Description.

    /// </summary>
    public override string DescriptionResource
          return "SelectStrSnapIn,This is a PowerShell snap-in for the Select-Str cmdlet.";
  #endregion PowerShell snap-in

} //namespace Microsoft.Samples.PowerShell.Commands;

建立 Cmdlet

在執行 Cmdlet 之後,您必須透過 Windows PowerShell 嵌入式管理單元向 Windows PowerShell 註冊。 如需註冊 Cmdlet 的詳細資訊,請參閱 如何註冊 Cmdlet、提供者和主機應用程式

測試 Cmdlet

當您的 Cmdlet 註冊 Windows PowerShell 時,您可以在命令列上執行它來進行測試。 您可以使用下列程式來測試範例 Select-Str Cmdlet。

  1. 開始 Windows PowerShell,並使用 ".net" 運算式來搜尋附注檔中的行出現次數。 請注意,只有當路徑包含一個以上的單字時,才需要以引號括住路徑的名稱。

    select-str -Path "notes" -Pattern ".NET" -SimpleMatch=$false


    IgnoreCase   : True
    LineNumber   : 8
    Line         : Because Windows PowerShell works directly with .NET objects, there is often a .NET object
    Path         : C:\PowerShell-Progs\workspace\Samples\SelectStr\notes
    Pattern      : .NET
    IgnoreCase   : True
    LineNumber   : 21
    Line         : You should normally define the class for a cmdlet in a .NET namespace
    Path         : C:\PowerShell-Progs\workspace\Samples\SelectStr\notes
    Pattern      : .NET
  2. 使用 "over" 這個字來搜尋筆記檔中出現的行,後面接著任何其他文字。 SimpleMatch參數使用的預設值 false 。 搜尋不區分大小寫,因為 CaseSensitive 參數設定為 false

    select-str -Path notes -Pattern "over*" -SimpleMatch -CaseSensitive:$false


    IgnoreCase   : True
    LineNumber   : 45
    Line         : Override StopProcessing
    Path         : C:\PowerShell-Progs\workspace\Samples\SelectStr\notes
    Pattern      : over*
    IgnoreCase   : True
    LineNumber   : 49
    Line         : overriding the StopProcessing method
    Path         : C:\PowerShell-Progs\workspace\Samples\SelectStr\notes
    Pattern      : over*
  3. 使用正則運算式做為模式,以搜尋附注檔。 此 Cmdlet 會搜尋以字母括住的字母字元和空格。

    select-str -Path notes -Pattern "\([A-Za-z:blank:]" -SimpleMatch:$false


    IgnoreCase   : True
    LineNumber   : 1
    Line         : Advisory Guidelines (Consider Following)
    Path         : C:\PowerShell-Progs\workspace\Samples\SelectStr\notes
    Pattern      : \([A-Za-z:blank:]
    IgnoreCase   : True
    LineNumber   : 53
    Line         : If your cmdlet has objects that are not disposed of (written to the pipeline)
    Path         : C:\PowerShell-Progs\workspace\Samples\SelectStr\notes
    Pattern      : \([A-Za-z:blank:]
  4. 對 Notes 檔案執行區分大小寫的搜尋,以尋找 "Parameter" 這個字。

    select-str -Path notes -Pattern Parameter -CaseSensitive


    IgnoreCase   : False
    LineNumber   : 6
    Line         : Support an InputObject Parameter
    Path         : C:\PowerShell-Progs\workspace\Samples\SelectStr\notes
    Pattern      : Parameter
    IgnoreCase   : False
    LineNumber   : 30
    Line         : Support Force Parameter
    Path         : C:\PowerShell-Progs\workspace\Samples\SelectStr\notes
    Pattern      : Parameter
  5. 針對具有數值0到9的變數,搜尋隨附于 Windows PowerShell 的變數提供者。

    select-str -Path * -Pattern "[0-9]"


    IgnoreCase   : True
    LineNumber   : 1
    Line         : 64
    Path         : Variable:\MaximumHistoryCount
    Pattern      : [0-9]
  6. 使用腳本區塊,在 SelectStrCommandSample 檔案中搜尋字串 "Pos"。 腳本的 cmatch 函式會執行不區分大小寫的模式比對。

    select-str -Path "SelectStrCommandSample.cs" -Script { if ($args[0] -cmatch "Pos"){ return $true } return $false }


    IgnoreCase   : True
    LineNumber   : 37
    Line         :    Position = 0.
    Path         : C:\PowerShell-Progs\workspace\Samples\SelectStr\SelectStrCommandSample.cs
    Pattern      :


如何建立 Windows PowerShell Cmdlet

建立您的第一個 Cmdlet

建立可修改系統的 Cmdlet

設計您的 Windows PowerShell 提供者

Windows PowerShell 的運作方式

如何註冊 Cmdlet、提供者和主機應用程式

Windows PowerShell SDK