設定虛擬網路之間的 VM 容錯移轉


此版本的 Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 已達到終止支援。 建議您 升級至 VMM 2022

本文說明在不使用 Azure Site Recovery 服務來管理災害復原的情況下,如何處理虛擬網路之間 System Center - Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 中的 VM 複寫和容錯移轉。

  • 建議您使用 Azure Site Recovery 來複寫 VM。 VMM 必須透過 Site Recovery 才能管理 Hyper-V 複本,而且您需要使用 Hyper-V 複本 PowerShell Cmdlet 才能自動化 Hyper-V 複本作業。
  • 針對災害復原,建議您使用個別的主要和次要虛擬網路。 主要 VM 連線到主要網路,複本 VM 則連線到次要網路。 這樣可以確保兩部 VM 能同時連線到網路。
  • 如果您有單一虛擬網路,請使用 Site Recovery 使用網路對應功能將網路管理自動化。 如果您不使用 Site Recovery,您必須仔細地檢查必要條件,以及 VM 附加至網路的順序。 特別是複本 VM 和主要 VM 絕不能同時連線到單一虛擬網路。 否則,CA-PA 記錄可能會在 VMM 中刪除,並造成網路連線中斷。



  • 單一 VMM 伺服器同時管理主要站台和次要站台。
  • 主要和複本 VM 裝載於單一 Hyper-V 虛擬網路上。
  • 您想要執行計劃的容錯移轉,並在容錯移轉之後保留 VM 的 IP 位址。
  • VM 使用 IPv4 位址。


  • 請確定虛擬交換器和邏輯交換器設定在 VMM 網狀架構中有效且相符。 如果它們的設定不正確或不相符,則在容錯移轉後可能無法進行網路附加作業。

  • 主要 VM 應該連線到虛擬網路

  • 複本 VM 不應連線到網路

  • 針對主要 VM 的每個網路介面卡,應該僅指派單一 IP 位址。 執行以下命令以確實達成此目的。 如果 VM 上有多個已連線的網路介面卡,請變更陣列索引來針對介面卡執行命令。

    $VMOnPD = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name "VM Name" | where {$_.IsPrimaryVM -eq $true}
    Get-SCIPAddress –GrantToObjectId $VMOnPD.VirtualNetworkAdapters[0].ID``
  • 確定操作系統指派給 VM 的 IP 位址與上述 IP 位址相同。 登入 VM 並執行 ipconfig 以檢查此問題。

  • 檢查主要和複本上是否已正確設定查閱數據表。 若要這樣做,請在每部伺服器上執行下列命令,並確定有對應至上述IP位址的專案: Get-NetVirtualizationLookupRecord

  • 檢查 IP 位址是否為 IPv4,而非 IPv6

  • 在執行腳本之前,請確定兩部 VM 都已關閉。

  • 確定兩部 VM 上都已啟用複寫狀態。



  1. 針對主要 VM 上的每個網路介面卡,指令碼會儲存 IP 位址、VM 網路和 IP 集區。
  2. 撤銷主要和次要 VM 上每個網路介面卡的所有 IP 位址。
  3. 中斷所有網路介面卡連線。
  4. 容錯移轉主要和次要 VM。
  5. 選擇性啟動反向複寫。
  6. 為複本 VM (針對給每個網路介面卡) 提供相同的 IP 位址。
  7. 將複本 VM 上的每個網路介面卡附加至於步驟 1 儲存的 VM 網路。



  • $VMName:虛擬機器的名稱
  • $ReverseRep – 布爾自變數,指定是否應該執行反向複寫
    • 如果傳遞$true,則會立即啟動反向複寫,且您稍後無法取消故障轉移。
    • 在 $ReverseRep 為 $true 的情況下成功完成此指令碼之後:
      • 主要 VM 應處於準備 容錯移轉 複寫狀態。
      • 復本 VM 應處於 故障轉移完整 復寫狀態。
    • 如果傳遞 $false,則不會執行反向複寫。 ReverseRepORCancelFO.ps1 可用來執行反向複寫或取消故障轉移。
    • 在 $ReverseRep 為 $false 的情況下成功完成指令碼之後:
      • 主要 VM 應處於準備 容錯移轉 複寫狀態。
      • 復本 VM 應處於 故障轉移完整 復寫狀態。

如果腳本未完成任何步驟,您需要手動完成失敗的步驟,然後返回 PowerShell 視窗。 腳本步驟包括主要 VM 的故障轉移、複本 VM 的故障轉移,以及選擇性的反向複寫。



# the script running on system with SCVMM Console/PowerShell installed. Also, requires Hyper-V powershell module.``

Import-Module hyper-v

## Refresh VM configuration and initialize
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) ".....Refreshing the VMs..."
Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name $VMName | Read-SCVirtualMachine

$VMOnPD = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name $VMName | where {$_.IsPrimaryVM -eq $true}
$VMOnDR = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name $VMName | where {$_.IsPrimaryVM -eq $false}

if ($VMOnPD.StatusString -ne "Stopped")
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....VM is not in stopped state. Actual State " $VMOnPD.StatusString
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Exiting"
    exit 1

$VMRepConfig = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $VMOnPD.HostName -VMName $VMOnPD.Name
$VMRepConfig = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $VMOnDR.HostName -VMName $VMOnPD.Name

if ($error -ne 0)
    $temp = $VMOnPD.HostName.Split(".")
    $primaryHostName = $temp[0]

    $temp = $VMOnDR.HostName.Split(".")
    $recoveryHostName = $temp[0]

    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Error in getting VM Replication state using FQDN, switching to Hostname"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Primary Hostname: " $primaryHostName " Replica Hostname: " $recoveryHostName

    $VMRepConfig = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $primaryHostName -VMName $VMOnPD.Name
    $VMRepConfig = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $recoveryHostName -VMName $VMOnPD.Name

    if ($error -ne 0)
        write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Error in getting VM Replication state using Hostname"
        write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Exiting"
        exit 1

    write-host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "....Successful in getting VM Replication state using Hostname"
    $primaryHostName = $VMOnPD.HostName
    $recoveryHostName = $VMOnDR.HostName

$VMOnPDAdapter = Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -VM $VMonPD
$VMOnDRAdapter = Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -VM $VMonDR

$fileName = $VMName + (Get-Date).ToString() + ".txt"
$fileName = $fileName.Replace("/","_")
$fileName = $fileName.Replace(":","_")

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Dumping network information for $VMName to file $fileName"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Number of Network adapters found: " $VMOnPDAdapter.count

$VMNetwork = @()
$VMSubnet = @()
$Pools = @()

$counter = 0
foreach($vmAdapter in $VMOnPDAdapter)
    if ($vmAdapter.VMNetwork -eq $null)
        $VMNetwork = $VMNetwork + $null
        $VMSubnet = $VMSubnet + $null
        $Pools = $Pools + $null
        $counter = $counter + 1

    $VMNetwork = $VMNetwork + (Get-SCVMNetwork -Name $vmAdapter.VMNetwork.Name -ID $vmAdapter.VMNetwork.ID)
    $VMSubnet = $VMSubnet + (Get-SCVMSubnet -Name $vmAdapter.VMSubnet.Name | where {$_.VMNetwork.ID -eq $vmAdapter.VMNetwork.ID})
    #$PortClassification = Get-SCPortClassification | where {$_.Name -eq "Guest Dynamic IP"}
    $Pools = $Pools + (Get-SCStaticIPAddressPool -IPv4 | where {$_.VMsubnet.name -eq $vmAdapter.VMSubnet.Name})

    Out-File -FilePath $fileName -InputObject $VMNetwork[$counter] -Append
    Out-File -FilePath $fileName -InputObject $VMSubnet[$counter] -Append
    Out-File -FilePath $fileName -InputObject $Pools[$counter] -Append

    $counter = $counter + 1

if ($error.Count -ne 0)
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Error is gathering information for $VMName. No changes made"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Exiting"
    exit 1

$IP = @()
$counter = 0
foreach($vmAdapter in $VMOnPDAdapter)

    if ($VMNetwork[$counter] -eq $null)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) ".....Network Adapter '" $counter "' not connected"
        $IP = $IP + $null
        $counter = $counter + 1

    ## Revoke IP
    $IP = $IP +(Get-SCIPAddress –GrantToObjectId $VMOnPD.VirtualNetworkAdapters[$counter].ID)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Revoking IP " $IP[$counter] "from Primary VM"
    Revoke-SCIPAddress $IP[$counter]
    if ($error.count -eq 0)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "....." $IP[$counter] "revoke completed"

    ## Disconnect Primary VM
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Disconnecting Primary VM from Network " $VMNetwork[$counter]
    Set-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -VirtualNetworkAdapter $VMOnPD.VirtualNetworkAdapters[$counter] -NoLogicalNetwork -NoConnection -NoPortClassification
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "....Network Adapter '" $counter "' of Primary VM Disconnected"

    $counter = $counter + 1

## Start failover
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) ".....We are going to Failover " $VMName " from " $primaryHostName " to " $recoveryHostName

Start-VMFailover -ComputerName $primaryHostName -VMName $VMOnPD.Name -Prepare -Confirm:$false

start-sleep 5

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) ".....Completing Failover on Replica site..."
Start-VMFailover -ComputerName $recoveryHostName -VMName $VMOnDR.Name -Confirm:$false
if ($ReverseRep)
    write-host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) ".....Starting Reverse Replication..."
    Set-VMReplication -ComputerName $recoveryHostName -reverse -VMName $VMOnDR.Name

if ($error -ne 0)
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) ".....Error occured during Planned Failover for VM $VMName"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) ".....Please manually complete Failover before continuing"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) ".....Press any key to continue..."
    $ignoreKey = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) ".....Connecting Network(s) to Failed-over VM"

$counter = 0
foreach($vmAdapter in $VMOnPDAdapter)

    if ($VMNetwork[$counter] -eq $null)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) ".....Network Adapter '" $counter "' not connected"
        $counter = $counter + 1

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "Granting " $IP[$counter] "to Failed-over VM"
    Grant-SCIPAddress -GrantToObjectType "VirtualNetworkAdapter" -GrantToObjectID $VMOnDRAdapter[$counter].ID -StaticIPAddressPool $Pools[$counter] –IPAddress $IP[$counter]
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "Granting IP completed"

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "Connecting Replica VM to " $VMNetwork[$counter]
    Set-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -VirtualNetworkAdapter $VMOnDRAdapter[$counter] -IPv4AddressType static -VMNetwork $VMNetwork[$counter] -VMSubnet $VMSubnet[$counter]
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "Network Adapter '" $counter "' of Failed-over VM connected to " $VMNetwork[$counter]

    $counter = $counter + 1



  1. 如果您並未在容錯移轉指令碼中執行反向複寫,您可以使用此指令碼進行反向複寫,或是取消容錯移轉。
  2. 如果您取消,腳本會反轉網路步驟,並在中斷複本 VM 網路連線之後還原主要 VM 連線。


這個指令碼應該在容錯移轉指令碼搭配 $ReverseRep 設定為 $false 的情況下執行。此指令碼接受三個引數:

  • $VMName:VM 名稱
  • $ReverseRep:布林值引數,可以指定是否要執行反向複寫。 $true 表示會執行反向複寫。
  • $CancelFO:布林值引數,可以指定是否要取消容錯移轉。 $true 表示會取消主要站台和復原站台上的容錯移轉。

同時只能針對 $ReverseRep 和 $CancelFO 傳遞 $true。 指令碼成功執行之後,兩部 VM 的狀態都應該是「已啟用複寫」



# the script running on system with SCVMM Console/PowerShell installed. Also, requires Hyper-V powershell module.

Import-Module hyper-v

if ($ReverseRep -eq $CancelFO)
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Please ensure that one and only one of the parameters -ReverseRep and -CancelFO is passed as $True"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Exiting"
    exit 1

## Refresh VM configuration and initialize
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) ".....Refreshing the VMs..."
Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name $VMName | Read-SCVirtualMachine

$VMOnPD = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name $VMName | where {$_.IsPrimaryVM -eq $true}
$VMOnDR = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name $VMName | where {$_.IsPrimaryVM -eq $false}

$VMRepConfig = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $VMOnPD.HostName -VMName $VMOnPD.Name
$VMRepConfig = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $VMOnDR.HostName -VMName $VMOnPD.Name

if ($error -ne 0)
    $temp = $VMOnPD.HostName.Split(".")
    $primaryHostName = $temp[0]

    $temp = $VMOnDR.HostName.Split(".")
    $recoveryHostName = $temp[0]

    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Error in getting VM Replication state using FQDN, switching to Hostname"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Primary Hostname: " $primaryHostName " Replica Hostname: " $recoveryHostName

    $VMRepConfig = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $primaryHostName -VMName $VMOnPD.Name
    $VMRepConfig = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $recoveryHostName -VMName $VMOnPD.Name

    if ($error -ne 0)
        write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Error in getting VM Replication state using Hostname"
        write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Exiting"
        exit 1

    write-host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "....Successful in getting VM Replication state using Hostname"
    $primaryHostName = $VMOnPD.HostName
    $recoveryHostName = $VMOnDR.HostName

if ($VMOnDR.ReplicationStatus.ReplicationState -ne "Recovered")
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Replica VM is not in Failed over state. Actual State " $VMOnDR.ReplicationStatus.ReplicationState
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Exiting"
    exit 1


if ($ReverseRep -eq $true)
    write-host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) ".....Starting Reverse Replication..."
    Set-VMReplication -ComputerName $recoveryHostName -reverse -VMName $VMOnDR.Name

    if ($error -ne 0)
        write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) ".....Error occured during Reverse Replication for VM $VMName"
        write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) ".....Please manually complete Reverse replication"
        exit 1

    write-host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) ".....Reverse Replication completed..."
    exit 0

if ($VMOnDR.StatusString -ne "Stopped")
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....VM is not in stopped state. Actual State " $VMOnDR.StatusString
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Exiting"
    exit 1

$VMOnPDAdapter = Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -VM $VMonPD
$VMOnDRAdapter = Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -VM $VMonDR

$fileName = $VMName + (Get-Date).ToString() + ".txt"
$fileName = $fileName.Replace("/","_")
$fileName = $fileName.Replace(":","_")

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Dumping network information for $VMName to file $fileName"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Number of Network adapters found on Failed-over VM: " $VMOnDRAdapter.count

$VMNetwork = @()
$VMSubnet = @()
$Pools = @()

$counter = 0
foreach($vmAdapter in $VMOnDRAdapter)
    if ($vmAdapter.VMNetwork -eq $null)
        $VMNetwork = $VMNetwork + $null
        $VMSubnet = $VMSubnet + $null
        $Pools = $Pools + $null
        $counter = $counter + 1

    $VMNetwork = $VMNetwork + (Get-SCVMNetwork -Name $vmAdapter.VMNetwork.Name -ID $vmAdapter.VMNetwork.ID)
    $VMSubnet = $VMSubnet + (Get-SCVMSubnet -Name $vmAdapter.VMSubnet.Name | where {$_.VMNetwork.ID -eq $vmAdapter.VMNetwork.ID})
    #$PortClassification = Get-SCPortClassification | where {$_.Name -eq "Guest Dynamic IP"}
    $Pools = $Pools + (Get-SCStaticIPAddressPool -IPv4 | where {$_.VMsubnet.name -eq $vmAdapter.VMSubnet.Name})

    Out-File -FilePath $fileName -InputObject $VMNetwork[$counter] -Append
    Out-File -FilePath $fileName -InputObject $VMSubnet[$counter] -Append
    Out-File -FilePath $fileName -InputObject $Pools[$counter] -Append

    $counter = $counter + 1

if ($error.Count -ne 0)
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Error is gathering information for $VMName. No changes made"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) "....Exiting"
    exit 1

$IP = @()
$counter = 0
foreach($vmAdapter in $VMOnDRAdapter)

    if ($VMNetwork[$counter] -eq $null)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) ".....Network Adapter '" $counter "' not connected"
        $IP = $IP + $null
        $counter = $counter + 1

    ## Revoke IP
    $IP = $IP +(Get-SCIPAddress –GrantToObjectId $VMOnDR.VirtualNetworkAdapters[$counter].ID)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Revoking IP " $IP[$counter] "from Replica VM"
    Revoke-SCIPAddress $IP[$counter]
    if ($error.count -eq 0)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "....." $IP[$counter] "revoke completed"

    ## Disconnect Replica VM
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "....Disconnecting Replica VM from Network " $VMNetwork[$counter]
    Set-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -VirtualNetworkAdapter $VMOnDR.VirtualNetworkAdapters[$counter] -NoLogicalNetwork -NoConnection -NoPortClassification
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "....Network Adapter '" $counter "' of Replica VM Disconnected"

    $counter = $counter + 1

## Cancel failover
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) ".....We are going to Cancel Failover " $VMName " on both " $primaryHostName " and " $recoveryHostName

Stop-VMFailover -ComputerName $recoveryHostName -VMName $VMName
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Stop-VMFailover -ComputerName $primaryHostName -VMName $VMName

if ($error -ne 0)
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) ".....Error occured during Cancel Failover for VM $VMName"
    write-host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) ".....Please manually Cancel Failover on both Primary and Recovery Server"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Date) ".....Press any key to continue..."
    $ignoreKey = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) ".....Connecting Network(s) back to the Primary VM"

$counter = 0
foreach($vmAdapter in $VMOnDRAdapter)

    if ($VMNetwork[$counter] -eq $null)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) ".....Network Adapter '" $counter "' not connected"
        $counter = $counter + 1

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "Granting " $IP[$counter] "to Primary VM"
    Grant-SCIPAddress -GrantToObjectType "VirtualNetworkAdapter" -GrantToObjectID $VMOnPDAdapter[$counter].ID -StaticIPAddressPool $Pools[$counter] –IPAddress $IP[$counter]
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "Granting IP completed"

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Get-Date) "Connecting Primary VM to " $VMNetwork[$counter]
    Set-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -VirtualNetworkAdapter $VMOnPDAdapter[$counter] -IPv4AddressType static -VMNetwork $VMNetwork[$counter] -VMSubnet $VMSubnet[$counter]
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Date) "Network Adapter '" $counter "' of Primary VM connected to " $VMNetwork[$counter]

    $counter = $counter + 1