
[與此頁面 相關的功能 DirectShow是舊版功能。 它已被 MediaPlayerIMFMediaEngineMedia Foundation 中的音訊/視訊擷取取代。 這些功能已針對Windows 10和Windows 11進行優化。 Microsoft 強烈建議新程式碼盡可能使用 MediaPlayerIMFMediaEngine音訊/視訊擷取 ,而不是 DirectShow。 Microsoft 建議盡可能重寫使用舊版 API 的現有程式碼,以使用新的 API。]

Stop方法必須解除封鎖Receive方法,並取消認可篩選準則的配置器。 取消認可配置器會強制傳回任何擱置 的 GetBuffer 呼叫,以解除封鎖正在等候樣本的上游篩選。 Stop方法會保留篩選鎖定,然後呼叫CBaseFilter::Stop方法,它會在所有篩選的針腳上呼叫CBasePin::Inactive

HRESULT CMyFilter::Stop()
    CAutoLock lock_it(m_pLock);
    // Inactivate all the pins, to protect the filter resources.
    hr = CBaseFilter::Stop();

    /* Safe to destroy filter resources used by the streaming thread. */

    return hr;

覆寫輸入針腳的非 使用 中方法,如下所示:

HRESULT CMyInputPin::Inactive()
    // You do not need to hold the filter lock here. 
    // It is already locked in Stop.

    // Unblock Receive.

    // Make sure Receive will fail. 
    // This also decommits the allocator.
    HRESULT hr = CBaseInputPin::Inactive();

    // Make sure Receive has completed, and is not using resources.
        CAutoLock c(&m_csReceive);

        /* It is now safe to destroy filter resources used by the
           streaming thread. */
    return hr;