Touch Events in .NET MAUI

Yusuf 711 Reputation points

I'm working on a piano keyboard app in .NET MAUI, and I'm encountering an issue with implementing a specific feature. I want users to be able to slide their finger across the keys, triggering a note for each key they pass over. However, I'm only able to detect touch when the user taps on a key, not when they slide their finger across it. Previously, I used a this article for guidance while working on Xamarin, but it's not proving helpful now.
Silent Keyboard
And I used to get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'No service for type 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.EffectsFactory' has been registered.'
How can the issue be solved? Are there simpler techniques available in .NET MAUI?

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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  1. Wenyan Zhang (Shanghai Wicresoft Co,.Ltd.) 27,276 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor


    I view the demo you provided, there are not TouchTrackingEffect.iOS/TouchEffect.cs and TouchTrackingEffect.Droid/TouchEffect.cs, please add these classes.

    (Note: Any ResolutionGroupNameAttribute and ExportEffectAttribute attributes should be removed from your effect classes.)

    At the same time, you didn't register the effect in MAUI, please see Reuse effects in .NET MAUI - .NET MAUI | Microsoft Learn

    (TouchTrackingEffect.UWP/TouchEffect.cs is missed as well, MAUI uses WinUI3 instead of UWP on Windows platform)

    Best Regards,

    Wenyan Zhang

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