How do I clean SSISDB running on Azure SQL Database?

XchangeVisions 301 Reputation points

I'm using the SSISDB created through Azure Data Factory SSIS runtime (on a Azure SQL Database) and I would like to stick with the Basic tier.
Hence I'm executing the cleanup procedures from time-to-time.
However, these procedures are not cleaning the database enough, even when I configure the retention setting to the bare minimum it still keeps using over 1.3 GB.
This size after cleaning is increasing slowly to a size that would require me to upgrade the DB tier.

I'm able to run almost all the Stored Procedures on SSISB with the name [internal].[cleanup_***], except for the [internal].[cleanup_server_log].

The Stored Procedure, 'cleanup_server_log', failed to run because the Integration Services database (SSISDB) is not in single-user mode. In SQL Server Management Studio, launch Database Properties dialog box for SSISDB, switch to the Options tab, and set the Restrict Access property to single-user mode (SINGLE_USER). Then, try to run the stored procedure again.

How can/should I clean the SSISDB that's an Azure SQL Database?

Azure SQL Database
Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
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SQL Server Integration Services
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A Microsoft platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations solutions.
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Accepted answer
  1. XchangeVisions 301 Reputation points

    I've managed to fix the problem using some inspiration I've got from how-can-i-clean-up-the-ssisdb
    Supposedly the real issue is that cascading deletes don't occur.
    I've used below approach to reduce the database size by more than 1GB after the default cleanup procedure.

    1: First run the default cleanup procedure

    EXEC [internal].[cleanup_server_retention_window]  

    2: Check the table sizes

        s.[name] AS [Schema],  
        t.[name] AS [Table],  
        p.[rows] AS [Rows],  
        SUM(a.[total_pages]) * 8 / 1024 AS [TotalMB],   
        SUM(a.[used_pages]) * 8 / 1024 AS [UsedMB],   
        (SUM(a.[total_pages]) - SUM(a.[used_pages])) * 8 / 1024 AS [UnusedMB]  
    FROM sys.tables t  
    	INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id  
    	INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id  
    	INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id  
    	INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id  
    WHERE t.[name] NOT LIKE 'dt%'  AND t.[is_ms_shipped] = 0  AND i.[object_id] > 255   
    GROUP BY t.[name], s.[name], p.[rows]  
    ORDER BY p.[rows] desc, s.[name], t.[name]  

    3: Execute manual delete of obsolete operation_id's.
    I've shamelessly 'stolen' and then adjusted the code from the stackoverflow post.
    First step is creating temp table with a list of all the operation_id's I would like to keep (I've set retention days to 30).
    Next delete all the operation_id's that are not within the temp table. (I've checked for all the tables that have a operation_id column and records).

      IF object_id('tempdb..#KEEP_CANDIDATES') IS NOT NULL  
        -- Populate temp table with operation id you like to keep   
        CREATE TABLE #KEEP_CANDIDATES ( operation_id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);  
        DECLARE @DaysRetention int = 30;		--Set the retention days  
        INSERT INTO  #KEEP_CANDIDATES (operation_id )  
        SELECT IO.operation_id  
        FROM internal.operations AS IO  
        WHERE IO.start_time >= DATEADD(day, -@DaysRetention, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);  
        -- Delete the records for operation id you dont want to keep    
        DELETE T  
        FROM internal.event_message_context_scaleout AS T  
            LEFT JOIN #KEEP_CANDIDATES AS DC ON DC.operation_id = T.operation_id  
        WHERE DC.operation_id IS NULL;  
        DELETE T  
        FROM internal.event_messages_scaleout AS T  
            LEFT JOIN #KEEP_CANDIDATES AS DC ON DC.operation_id = T.operation_id  
        WHERE DC.operation_id IS NULL;  
        DELETE T  
        FROM internal.operation_messages_scaleout AS T  
            LEFT JOIN #KEEP_CANDIDATES AS DC ON DC.operation_id = T.operation_id  
        WHERE DC.operation_id IS NULL;  
        -- Finally, remove the entry from operations   
        DELETE T  
        FROM internal.operations AS T   
            LEFT JOIN #KEEP_CANDIDATES AS DC ON DC.operation_id = T.operation_id  
        WHERE DC.operation_id IS NULL;  

    4: Rebuild indexes to reclaim space

    ALTER INDEX ALL ON internal.event_message_context_scaleout REBUILD;  
    ALTER INDEX ALL ON internal.event_messages_scaleout REBUILD;  
    ALTER INDEX ALL ON internal.operation_messages_scaleout REBUILD;  
    ALTER INDEX ALL ON internal.operations REBUILD;  

    5: Repeat step 2 and validate results.
    Happy times!

    1 person found this answer helpful.

2 additional answers

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  1. Monalv-MSFT 5,896 Reputation points

    Hi @XchangeVisions ,

    We can use the following ways to clean SSISDB logs in Azure:

    1.Clean up logs with Power Shell

    2.Clean up logs with Transact-SQL

    Please refer to Clean up SSISDB logs with Azure Elastic Database Jobs.

    Best Regards,


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  2. HarithaMaddi-MSFT 10,136 Reputation points

    Hi @XchangeVisions ,

    Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Platform. Thanks for posting the query.

    As per document, the procedure '[internal].[cleanup_server_log]' is not applicable for Azure SQL Server as 'SINGLE_USER' mode is mandatory to run this procedure and it cannot be achieved in Azure where server is shared and also belongs to availability groups. In addition to alternatives suggested by @Monalv-MSFT , please configure "Default Logging level" appropriately to reduce logging for events and also reduce "Retention Period" to cleanup old logs (Default value is 365 days)


    Ref: ssis-catalog-maintenance-in-the-azure-cloud