Sharepoint lists / forms

Colin Mitton 21 Reputation points

I've created a list in SharePoint Online (which we use as part of our M365 licence), that holds the details for our clients.
I want to use this list so that I can search for a client in either a drop down box or text box, then select the client and display the details in a nice format (maybe some sort of form) below.

I'm also going to be using that list (the list is on a hub site so I'm 'assuming' that the list will be available to sites associated to that hub site) to then populate some fields (maybe a form) in a different page (want all the correct details in one place!).

Can someone aim me in the right direction for a guide or provide assistance where I can work out how to use the list correctly in a nice format or at worst case show me where I can use fields / look up data to retrieve the data I need from this list.


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  1. Jerry Xu-MSFT 7,931 Reputation points

    Hi, @Colin Mitton ,

    First for the list forms, here is a solution works for modern page and you can have a try on it. You will need to use a list web part and a list properties web part.

    1. Go to the modern page you want to display and add a list web part, set it to display the client list.
    2. Then add a list properties, connect it to the list web part you just add. More information about this web part here

    Then you are done with it. You can use the list filter. Just like the .gif below to search for the correct client you want, then select, the detailed properties will be displayed in the list properties web part.


    For using list in other sites, the simple answer for it is no. For now we cannot use a list web part to display a list from other sites, no matter it is a hub site or not. BTW, hub site is a portal where we can get information from all associated sites. However it is only one-way, associated sites do not get information from the hub site.

    One workaround will be using the highlighted content web part. It can show contents from all sites in your domain with proper settings. I used to explain the steps in another thread, please have a check here:
    You can change the layout and click on the item you need, page will get redirected to the detailed information pane of that list item.

    More detailed information about the web part here:

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  1. Colin Mitton 21 Reputation points

    Thank you @Jerry Xu-MSFT

    That works but....
    I have a lot of data I need to show like 2 different addresses, key person, key custom information and some web links.

    This then makes a very long list in the list properties element. I'm guessing I could split them across 2 or 3 columns which I can play with but can the spacing / layout be changed on the list properties view? I'm looking through the internet at the moment but not getting very far.

    I've also downloaded / linked Sharepoint designer 2013 to my site, so If I need to I can access the site to edit it through that.

    Thank you once more.

  2. Colin Mitton 21 Reputation points

    Hi @Jerry Xu-MSFT
    Once more thank you. I'm running this past the management now to try and get them to have a more manageable list!
    I think I will also look at PowerApps, I have some experience with VBA & VB so may look at that as you can embed them in to sharepoint to.

    You've help get me really started with this!

    Kind regards,

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