Cosmos DB case-insensitive search consumes lots of RUs

Moritz Y. Becker 41 Reputation points

I have a large Comos DB collection with 4 million small documents (4.79 GiB data size). The partition key is /objecttype, and the default indexing scheme is used. 2 million documents have objecttype = person. The following query consumes only 2.79 RUs, as expected (and returns 0 results):

SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.objecttype = 'person' AND STRING_EQUALS(c.displayname, 'foo', false)

However, the following case-insensitive query consumes 1228.11 RUs (also returning 0 results):

SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.objecttype = 'person' AND STRING_EQUALS(c.displayname, 'foo', true)

I would have expected the RU consumption in the second case to be only slightly higher. Doesn't case-insensitive search use an index? Or is that a bug?

Additional information

Query Statistics for the first query

Request Charge 2.79 RUs
Retrieved document count 0
Retrieved document size 0 bytes
Output document count 0
Output document size 49 bytes
Index hit document count 0
Index lookup time 0.11 ms
Document load time 0 ms
Query engine execution time 0.02 ms
System function execution time 0 ms
User defined function execution time 0 ms
Document write time 0 ms
Round Trips 1

Query statistics for the second (case-insensitive) query

Request Charge 1228.11 RUs
Retrieved document count 0
Retrieved document size 0 bytes
Output document count 0
Output document size 49 bytes
Index hit document count 0
Index lookup time 540.6700000000001 ms
Document load time 0 ms
Query engine execution time 0.030000000000000002 ms
System function execution time 0 ms
User defined function execution time 0 ms
Document write time 0 ms
Round Trips 1

Indexing Policy

    "indexingMode": "consistent",
    "automatic": true,
    "includedPaths": [
            "path": "/*"
    "excludedPaths": [
            "path": "/\"_etag\"/?"
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Cosmos DB
An Azure NoSQL database service for app development.
1,477 questions
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Accepted answer
  1. KalyanChanumolu-MSFT 8,316 Reputation points

    @Moritz Y. Becker I have checked this internally.
    For case insensitive queries, RU charge will increase as the cardinality increases.
    Please refer to the complete post here.

    In your case, you can try to reduce the number of documents by adding more criteria to the where clause.
    You could also try optimizing this by adding a composite index (and adding ORDER BY):

    Composite index: (objecttype ASC, displayname ASC)

    SELECT *   
    FROM c   
    WHERE c.objecttype = 'person' AND STRING_EQUALS(c.displayname, 'foo', true)  
    ORDER BY c.objecttype ASC, c.displayname ASC  

    Please find more details here: Troubleshoot query issues when using Azure Cosmos DB | Microsoft Learn


    If an answer is helpful, please "Accept answer" or "Up-Vote" for the same which might be beneficial to other community members reading this thread.

1 additional answer

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  1. Moritz Y. Becker 41 Reputation points

    I have created a Feature Request for efficient case-insensitive search. You can vote on it here.

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