C# UWP : Splash screen time

Keith Crotty 81 Reputation points

In my old VB program, I had a form for the Splash screen. It would complete then fade out.

I re-wrote this in C# 2019 VS. When I run this from VS, its shows for 4-5 seconds (longer than I would like and no fade).

Now, we have created an Msix install package. When you run that, the splash goes away so fast you cant read anything.

I dont see any way to control it since it is being all done in the settings. Adding to that, shouldn't it react the same as when your testing in VS?

As a test, I added the following line at the end of the program initialization. It seemed to do nothing.
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(50000.1));

The only solution I can think of is to basically just build my own splash. That doesn't seem like the correct solution.

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
Visual Studio
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  1. Keith Crotty 81 Reputation points

    Thanks. I had miss this.