Rebuild both Exchange Servers 2019

Adnan Abdul Salam 96 Reputation points

We have 2 Exchange 2019 Servers.(DAG) single site 2 nodes only

Server1 infected with ProxyShell infection (CU8)

Server2 infected with ProxyShell and halfnium Issue as well ( we had shutdown this server for 12 days now) we installeed CU10 but still same.

now i need to rebuild both exchange servers one by one taking down time

Step1 : Rebuild server1 from recover server mode (downtime will be taken ) email services will be down
Step 2 : redbuild server 2 from recover server mode

Question1 : we should keep the dag or not
Question2 : we can attach same Storage to the new VMs with fresh OS disk correct? both servers?
Question3 : server2 will start replicating the old DBs ( how much days lag can be ?) 12 days its not being repliated now

Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server: A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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  1. Xzsssss 8,861 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi anonymous user ,

    For your questions:

    Question1 : we should keep the dag or not

    Note that running a DAG with different version servers is not suggested. For a DAG node upgreading, better to set the server to maintance mode.
    I think for your situation, you should remove the copies, remove the nodes and then remove the DAG. And then install the SU or CU patch separatelyto defende the halfnium.

    Question2 : we can attach same Storage to the new VMs with fresh OS disk correct? both servers?

    I'm not sure, do you mean you want to move the server disk to a new OS? Isn't it installed in C? I believe the AD/DC won't allow us to do that or I didn't get what you mean, please tell me the details.

    Question3 : server2 will start replicating the old DBs ( how much days lag can be ?) 12 days its not being repliated now

    As I said, two different version servers in one DAG is not suggested, I don't know if that's the reason, but I think you could try restarting the MSExchange Repl service and also check other Exchange related services.

    Actually my suggestion is firstly installing the CU10 and July SU to both servers, and then check it with HealthyChecker.

    Best regards,

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