UWP DataTable WriteXML Access Denied

Sean Liming 4,511 Reputation points

In my UWP application, I have setup a datatable (myTable) by adding the columns and then the rows. Then I make a call to save the database table to an XML file by simply calling myTable.WriteXml("Path to XML",XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema). The WriteXml call fails with System.UnauthorizedAccessException: "Access to the path "....' is denied. The broadFileSystemAccess has been added to the appxmanifest file.

Is there some other capability that needs to be added to the appxmanifest file?



Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
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  1. Roy Li - MSFT 32,646 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor


    Welcome to Microsft Q&A!

    This is the expected behavior. The broadFileSystemAccess capability only works for Windows.Storage APIs. This is mentioned in the document-Restricted capabilities. That's why you will get the exception when you trying to call the writexaml method. If you are not using Windows.Storage APIs, please still put the target file to the places that UWP apps have default permission.

    Thank you.

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