icorprofilercallback get parent thread id of the a thread

Tom Mac 1 Reputation point

I'm using icorprofilercallback2 to track the performance of all http requests in my application. I do keep track of methods using the thread ids. The http request is making webservice call to other server. It seems this webservice call gets executed asyncronously in different thread. I'm able to see which method is taking time. But unable to find which http request triggered this webservice call.

Is there a way in which I can profile the complete stack trace of methods triggered by my http request?

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  1. Bruce (SqlWork.com) 58,356 Reputation points

    there really isn't a parent. .net async handling uses a thread pool. the thread completion callback is also a new thread from the pool. thread handling uses delegates.

    await myAync();
    // new thread here

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