Average Pay by employee

J Like MIB 71 Reputation points

How do I write a tsql that will filter certain column(s) / field(s) based on a column / field.

My current data for example:
Employee            Week               Hours worked        Bonus Amount
Employee 1          1                      40                          $200
Employee 1          1                      40                          $500
Employee 1          1                      40                          $600
Employee 1          2                      39                          $300
Employee 1          2                      39                          $200
Employee 1          2                      39                          $800
Employee 2          1                      35                          $2000
Employee 2          1                      35                          $200
Employee 2          2                      10                          $500
Employee 2          2                      10                          $300

So, in the example, Employee 1 in Week 1 worked 40 hours, not 120 hours. Therefore, I'm trying to get the data to display and calculate average bonus based on 40 hours:

Employee            Week               Hours worked        Bonus Amount        Average
Employee 1          1                      40                         $200
Employee 1          1                                                   $500
Employee 1          1                                                   $600   32.50     
Employee 1          2                      39                         $300
Employee 1          2                                                   $200   12.82
Employee 2          1                      35                         $2000
Employee 2          1                                                   $200   62.85
Employee 2          2                      10                         $500  
Employee 2          2                                                   $300   80.00

Is it possible to filter / not display the 2nd Hours Worked if the same Employee number and week number?
Any help is much appreciated. Thank you

SQL Server Reporting Services
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Accepted answer
  1. Guoxiong 8,126 Reputation points

    Try this:

    DECLARE @Table TABLE (  
    	[Employee] varchar(20),  
    	[Week] int,  
    	[Hours_Worked] int,  
    	[Bonus_Amount] money  
    INSERT INTO @Table ([Employee], [Week], [Hours_Worked], [Bonus_Amount])  
    ('Employee 1', 1, 40, 200), ('Employee 1', 1, 40, 500), ('Employee 1', 1, 40, 600),   
    ('Employee 1', 2, 39, 300), ('Employee 1', 2, 39, 200), ('Employee 1', 2, 39, 800),  
    ('Employee 2', 1, 35, 2000), ('Employee 2', 1, 35, 200),  
    ('Employee 2', 2, 10, 500), ('Employee 2', 2, 10, 300);  
    			SELECT ',' + '$' + CAST([Bonus_Amount] AS varchar(10))   
    			FROM @Table   
    			WHERE [Employee] = p.[Employee] AND [Week] = p.[Week] AND [Hours_Worked] = p.[Hours_Worked]  
                FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE  
    		).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),  
    	) AS [Bonus_Amount],  
    	CAST(SUM([Bonus_Amount]) / [Hours_Worked] AS decimal(5, 2)) AS [Average]  
    FROM @Table AS p  
    GROUP BY p.[Employee], [Week], [Hours_Worked];  



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8 additional answers

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  1. Naomi 7,361 Reputation points

    I think you're talking presentation layer, not the query. What are you using for presenting the data?

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  2. J Like MIB 71 Reputation points

    Thank you Naomi.
    Sql Server Reporting Server (SSRS). I'm in the wrong community then?

  3. Viorel 112.1K Reputation points

    I think that the request is problematic because there is no column for ordering the rows. Maybe your real data contains an appropriate column.

    If you prefer T-SQL, then try something like this:

    with T1 as
        select *,
            row_number() over (partition by Employee, [Week] order by @@spid) as i,
            sum([Bonus Amount]) over (partition by Employee, [Week]) as s
        from MyTable
    T2 as
        select *,
            row_number() over (partition by Employee, [Week] order by i desc) as j
        from T1
    select Employee, [Week],   
        case i when 1 then cast([Hours worked] as varchar(max)) else '' end as [Hours worked],
        [Bonus Amount],
        case j when 1 then cast(s / [Hours Worked] as varchar(max)) else '' end as [Average]
    from T2
    order by Employee, Week, i

    Also check if you can do this in SSRS without writing the query.

  4. Isabellaz-1451 3,616 Reputation points

    Hi @J Like MIB

    How about like this,you concat all the Bonus Amount by the same employee,week and Hours worked.

    ([Employee] VARCHAR(20),  
    [Week] int,  
    [Hours worked] int,  
    [Bonus Amount] int)  
    insert into TABLETEST  
    select 'Employee 1',1,40,200  
    union all  
    select 'Employee 1',1,40,500  
    union all  
    select 'Employee 1',1,40,600  
    union all  
    select 'Employee 1',2,39,300  
    union all  
    select 'Employee 1',2,39,200  
    union all  
    select 'Employee 2',1,35,2000  
    union all  
    select 'Employee 2',1,35,200  
    union all  
    select 'Employee 2',2,10,500  
    union all  
    select 'Employee 2',2,10,300  
    select [Employee],[Week],[Hours worked],[Bounus amout]=STRING_AGG(CONCAT('$',RTRIM(cast([Bonus Amount] as varchar(10)))),','),AVERAGE = CAST( sum([Bonus Amount])*1.00/[Hours worked] as decimal(5,2)) from TABLETEST GROUP BY [Employee],[Week],[Hours worked]  

    Here is the result:


    Best Regards,