CfApi: Allow data fetch for services

Mikhail Mamedov 6 Reputation points

Hi MS team,

I'm developing sync program with cloud filter API.
I encountered an issue with the access to the cloud file from any service application (from session 0):

When service app tries to open not yet hydrated file for reading it receives error: Access to the cloud file is denied
Error 0xC000CF18 STATUS_CLOUD_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED instead of trigger hydration of it.

Although service app can fetch new placeholders without any problem, can read their attributes, can open already hydrated files.

Also, I noticed that cloud app itself started as a service can fetch (hydrate) files in the sync root.

Is there any policy/setting can be applied to allow trigger the file hydration (CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA) for service apps?
For my implementation it is mandatory to have population/hydration by demand without restrictions for any process. (I have my own filtering in callbacks)

SDK in use 10.0.22000.0
Winver 21H2 19044.1706


@Rita Han - MSFT
@Xiaopo Yang - MSFT

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
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  1. Ashok Kumar 0 Reputation points

    Hi @Junjie Zhu - MSFT ,

    We are also facing the same issue. The application running as a service tries to open cloud files and we see the same error code. Is this issue fixed in latest windows version? Please let us know if there is any update on this one.



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