Sql to sparksql

Shambhu Rai 1,406 Reputation points

Hi Expert,

How to convert query from sql server to spark sql


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3 answers

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  1. Alberto Morillo 32,891 Reputation points MVP

    Here you can have a basic guide on how to do it. Here you will also find a basic python code to convert a SQL statement to SparkSQL.

  2. Alberto Morillo 32,891 Reputation points MVP

    He shared the python code to make the conversion:

    from moz_sql_parser import parse  
    from moz_sql_parser import format  
    import json  
    query = """  
    SELECT product_id,  
        Count(star_rating) as total_rating,  
        Max(star_rating)   AS best_rating,  
        Min(star_rating)   AS worst_rating  
    FROM   tbl_books  
    WHERE  verified_purchase = 'Y'  
        AND review_date BETWEEN '1995-07-22' AND '2015-08-31'  
        AND marketplace IN ( 'DE', 'US', 'UK', 'FR', 'JP' )  
    GROUP  BY product_id  
    ORDER  BY total_rating asc,product_id desc,best_rating  
    LIMIT  10;  
    v_parse = parse(query)  
    v_json = json.loads(json.dumps(v_parse,indent=4))  
    def fn_from(value):  
        if type(value) is str:  
            result_from = format({ "from": value })  
            result_from = result_from[5:]  
        elif type(value) is dict:  
            if "name" in value.keys():  
                result_from = result_from + value['value']+".alias(\""+value['name']+"\")"  
                result_from = result_from + value['value']+""  
        elif type(value) is list:  
            for item_from in value:  
                if type(item_from) is dict:  
                    if "name" in item_from.keys():  
                        result_from = result_from + item_from['value']+".alias(\""+item_from['name']+"\"),"  
                        result_from = result_from + item_from['value']+","  
                elif type(item_from) is str:  
                    result_from = result_from + item_from+","  
        return result_from  
    def fn_select(value):  
        if type(value) is str:  
            result_select = result_select + "\""+value+"\","  
        elif type(value) is dict:  
            if "name" in value.keys():  
                result_select = result_select + "\""+value['value']+"\".alias(\""+value['name']+"\")"  
                result_select = result_select + "\""+value['value']+"\""  
        elif type(value) is list:  
            for item_select in value:  
                if type(item_select) is dict:  
                    if type(item_select['value']) is dict:  
                        if "name" in item_select.keys():  
                            result_select = result_select + "\""+item_select['name']+"\","  
                            result_select = result_select + "\""+item_select['value']+"\".alias(\""+item_select['name']+"\"),"  
                        result_select = result_select + "\""+item_select['value']+"\","  
        return result_select[:-1]  
    def fn_where(value):  
        result_where = format({ "where": value })[6:]  
        return result_where  
    def fn_groupby(value):  
        result_groupby = format({ "groupby": value })[9:]  
        return result_groupby  
    def fn_agg(query):  
        v_parse = parse(query)  
        v_agg = ""  
        for i in v_parse["select"]:  
            if type(i["value"]) is dict:  
                for key,value in i["value"].items():  
                    v_agg = v_agg + (key+"("+"col(\""+str(value)+"\")"+").alias('"+i["name"]+"')") +","  
        v_agg = v_agg.replace("\n", "")  
        return v_agg[:-1]  
    def fn_orderby(query):  
        v_parse = parse(query)  
        v_orderby = v_parse["orderby"]  
        for i in v_orderby:  
            if i.get("sort", "asc") == "desc":  
                v_sortorder = "desc()"  
                v_sortorder = "asc()"  
            v_orderby_collist = v_orderby_collist + "col(\""+str(i.get("value", ""))+"\")." +v_sortorder+","  
        return v_orderby_collist[:-1]  
    def fn_limit(query):  
        v_parse = parse(query)  
        v_limit = v_parse["limit"]  
        return v_limit  
    def fn_genSQL(data):  
        v_fn_from = v_fn_where = v_fn_groupby = v_fn_agg = v_fn_select = v_fn_orderby = v_fn_limit = ""  
        for key,value in data.items():  
            # handle from  
            if str(key)=="from":  
                v_fn_from = fn_from(value)  
            #handle where  
            if str(key) =="where":  
                v_fn_where = fn_where(value)  
            #handle groupby  
            if str(key) =="groupby":  
                v_fn_groupby = fn_groupby(value)  
            #handle agg  
            if str(key) =="groupby":  
                v_fn_agg = fn_agg(query)  
            #handle select  
            if str(key) =="select":  
                v_fn_select = fn_select(value)  
            #handle sort  
            if str(key) =="orderby":  
                v_fn_orderby = fn_orderby(query)  
            #handle limit  
            if str(key) =="limit":  
                v_fn_limit = fn_limit(query)  
        v_final_stmt = ""  
        if v_fn_from:  
            v_final_stmt = v_final_stmt + v_fn_from  
        if v_fn_where:  
            v_final_stmt = v_final_stmt + "\n.filter(\""+v_fn_where+"\")"  
        if v_fn_groupby:  
            v_final_stmt = v_final_stmt + "\n.groupBy(\""+v_fn_groupby+"\")"  
        if v_fn_agg:  
            v_final_stmt = v_final_stmt + "\n.agg("+v_fn_agg+"\")"  
        if v_fn_select:  
            v_final_stmt = v_final_stmt + "\n.select("+v_fn_select+")"  
        if v_fn_orderby:  
            v_final_stmt = v_final_stmt + "\n.orderBy("+v_fn_orderby+")"  
        if v_fn_limit:  
            v_final_stmt = v_final_stmt + "\n.limit("+str(v_fn_limit)+")"  
        return v_final_stmt  
    print (fn_genSQL(v_json))  

  3. Oury Ba-MSFT 16,241 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @Shambhu Rai Please try something like this

    create table test (newdate string, status string, value string);

    insert into test values('01-07-2020','Newone','segmentone'),('07-07-2020','Newone','segmenwo'),('09-07-2020','Newtwo','segmenthee'),('10-07-2020','Newtwo','segmenthee');

    with t(x) as (select row_number() OVER(ORDER by newdate desc) as rownumber from test)
    select x from t where x ='1'

    Reference: https://spark.apache.org/docs/3.0.0/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-table-datasource.html
