Create a mixed reality basketball player lineup with the Mixed Reality Toolkit

Visual Studio

Use C#, Visual Studio, Unity, and the Mixed Reality Toolkit to create an interactive virtual reality experience compatible with the HoloLens. Inspired by Space Jam: A New Legacy, you create an experience for coaches and fans to learn more about the Tune Squad.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Create a custom button with the Mixed Reality Toolkit
  • Create a button prefab that can be reused in a scene
  • Add events to a button to trigger an action

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  • A Windows 10 PC configured with the correct tools
  • Windows 10 SDK 10.0.18362.0 or later
  • Unity Hub with Unity 2019.4.X installed
  • Basic familiarity with Unity, including the interface, scene creation, package import, and addition of GameObjects to a scene.