Databricks runtime support lifecycles

This article explains the stages of support and support policies for Databricks Runtime versions. Azure Databricks releases runtimes as Beta and GA versions. Azure Databricks supports GA versions for six months, unless the runtime version is a long-term support (LTS) version. For information on supported Databricks Runtime versions, see Databricks Runtime release notes versions and compatibility.

Workloads on unsupported Databricks Runtime versions may continue to run, but Azure Databricks does not provide support or fixes.

Databricks Runtime LTS version lifecycle

Phase Guarantees
Beta Support SLAs are not applicable. For more information, see Databricks Runtime previews.
Full support for LTS version Major stability and security fixes are backported.

Databricks releases LTS versions every six months and supports them for three full years.
End of support (EOS) Version is unsupported:

* Workloads running on these versions receive no Databricks support
* Databricks does not backport fixes

The end-of-support date is three years after release.
End of life (EOL) Databricks reserves the right to completely remove a release version from the API at any time after support ends, without prior notice.

Non-LTS version support lifecycle

Phase Guarantees
Beta Support SLAs are not applicable. For more information, see Databricks Runtime previews.
Full support Major stability and security fixes are backported.

Full support for Databricks Runtime versions lasts for six months, with the exception of long-term support (LTS) versions.
End of support (EOS) Version is unsupported:

* Workloads running on these versions receive no Databricks support
* Databricks will not backport fixes

Supported releases along with their end-of-support dates are published at Supported Databricks Runtime LTS releases.

Unsupported releases are published at Unsupported Databricks Runtime release notes.
End of life (EOL) Databricks reserves the right to completely remove a release version from the API at any time after support ends, without prior notice.

For information about how to construct the Databricks Runtime version string for REST API calls, see Workspace API.