Add an Arc-enabled cluster to existing observability infrastructure


Azure IoT Operations Preview – enabled by Azure Arc is currently in PREVIEW. You shouldn't use this preview software in production environments.

See the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews for legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

You can share observability resources across multiple Arc-enabled clusters that run Azure IoT Operations. This article shows how to add another Arc-enabled cluster to the observability infrastructure that you created in Get started: configure observability.


Add an Arc-enabled cluster

To create this setup, run the following command. Specify the two resource IDs for the observability components that were output when you ran the steps in Install observability components.

Specify the resource group and name of the new Arc enabled cluster in the resource-group and cluster-name parameters:

az deployment group create \
      --subscription <cluster-subscription-id> \
      --resource-group <cluster-resource-group> \
      --template-file cluster.bicep \
      --parameters clusterName=<cluster-name> \
                  azureMonitorId=<azure-monitor-resource-id> \

If Azure Monitor or Log Analytics is in a different region from your cluster, the previous command produces an error. To resolve the error, pass the extra azureMonitorLocation and logAnalyticsLocation parameters:

az deployment group create \
      --subscription <cluster-subscription-id> \
      --resource-group <cluster-resource-group> \
      --template-file cluster.bicep \
      --parameters clusterName=<cluster-name> \
                  azureMonitorId=<azure-monitor-resource-id> \
                  logAnalyticsId=<log-analytics-resource-id> \
                  azureMonitorLocation=<azure-monitor-location> \

To set up Prometheus metrics collection for the new Arc enabled cluster, follow the steps in Configure Prometheus metrics collection.

Access Grafana dashboards

Navigate to the endpoint for the Grafana instance that you created previously in Get started: configure observability. If you didn't already do so, create the relevant dashboards by going to the dashboard list. In the dashboards, you see the name of the new Arc-enabled cluster in the Cluster selector dropdown.