Споделяне чрез

az sphere device network

Provides information about the status of network interfaces on the attached device.

Operation Description
az sphere device network enable Enable a network interface on the attached device.
az sphere device network disable Disable a network interface on the attached device.
az sphere device network list-firewall-rules List firewall rules for the attached device.
az sphere device network list-interfaces List the network interfaces for the attached device.
az sphere device network show-diagnostics Show diagnostics for one or all Wi-Fi networks on the attached device.
az sphere device network show-status Show the network status for the attached device.
az sphere device network update-interface Update the network interface configuration for the attached device.


az sphere device network enable

Enable a network interface on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--interface The interface to enable. Values from: az sphere device network list
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Enable the network interface

az sphere device network enable --interface eth0

az sphere device network disable

Disable a network interface on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--interface The interface to enable. Values from: az sphere device network list
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Disable the network interface

az sphere device network disable --interface eth0

az sphere device network list-firewall-rules

List firewall rules for the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


List all firewall rules

az sphere device network list-firewall-rules

az sphere device network list-interfaces

List the network interfaces for the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


List interfaces on the attached device

az sphere device network list-interfaces

az sphere device network show-diagnostics

Show diagnostics for one or all Wi-Fi networks on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list
--network -n The network for which to show diagnostics. Values from: az sphere device network list


Show diagnostics for all networks

az sphere device network show-diagnostics

az sphere device network show-status

Show the network status for the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Show status of network on device

az sphere device network show-status

az sphere device network update-interface

Update the network interface configuration for the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--hardware-address Specify the device hardware address to be set.
--interface The interface to enable. Values from: az sphere device network list
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Update the hardware address value for a specific network interface

az sphere device network update-interface --interface eth0 --hardware-address aa