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Deploy conditional access app control for catalog apps with Microsoft Entra ID

Access and session controls in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps work with applications from the Cloud app catalog and with custom applications. For a list of apps that are pre-onboarded and work out of the box, see Protect apps with Defender for Cloud Apps conditional access app control.


  • Your organization must have the following licenses to use conditional access app control:

  • Apps must be configured with single sign-on

  • Apps must use one of the following authentication protocols:

    IdP Protocols
    Microsoft Entra ID SAML 2.0 or OpenID Connect
    Other SAML 2.0

Configure the Microsoft Entra ID integration


When configuring an application with SSO in Microsoft Entra ID, or other identity providers, one field that may be listed as optional is the sign-on URL setting. Note that this field may be required for conditional access app control to work.

Use the following steps to create a Microsoft Entra Conditional Access policy that routes app sessions to Defender for Cloud Apps. For other IdP solutions, see Configure integration with other IdP solutions.

  1. In the Microsoft Entra admin center, search for Microsoft Entra Conditional Access.

  2. On the Conditional Access pane, in the toolbar at the top, select New policy -> Create new policy.

  3. On the New pane, in the Name textbox, enter the policy name.

  4. Under Assignments, select the link to assign users and groups that will be onboarding (initial sign-on and verification) the app.

  5. Under Target resources, select the link to assign the target resources, including the apps and actions you want to control with conditional access app control.

  6. Under Access controls, select the link to open the Session pane. There, select Use Conditional Access App Control, and choose a built-in policy (Monitor only (Preview) or Block downloads (Preview)) or Use custom policy to set an advanced policy in Defender for Cloud Apps, and then select Select.

    Screenshot of the Microsoft Entra Conditional Access page.

  7. Optionally, add conditions and grant controls as required.

  8. Set Enable policy to On and then select Create.


Before proceeding, make sure to first sign out of existing sessions.

After you've created the policy, sign in to each app configured in that policy. Make sure you sign in using a user configured in the policy.

Defender for Cloud Apps will sync your policy details to its servers for each new app you sign in to. This may take up to one minute.

Verify that access and session controls are configured

The preceding instructions helped you create a built-in Defender for Cloud Apps policy for catalog apps directly in Microsoft Entra ID. In this step, verify that the access and session controls are configured for these apps.

  1. In the Microsoft Defender Portal, select Settings. Then choose Cloud Apps.

  2. Under Connected apps, select Conditional Access App Control apps. Look at the Available controls column and verify that both Access control or Azure AD Conditional Access, and Session control appear for your apps.

    If the app isn’t enabled for session control, add it by selecting Onboard with session control and checking Use this app with session controls. For example:

    Screenshot of onboarding with session control.

Enable your app for use in production

When you're ready, this procedure describes how to enable the app for use in your organization's production environment.

  1. In the Microsoft Defender Portal, select Settings. Then choose Cloud Apps.

  2. Under Connected apps, select Conditional Access App Control apps. In the list of apps, on the row in which the app you're deploying appears, choose the three dots at the end of the row, and then choose Edit app.

  3. Select Enable the app to work on session controls and then select Save. For example:

    Screenshot of the Edit this app? dialog.

  4. First sign out of any existing sessions. Then, try to sign in to each app that was successfully deployed. Sign in using a user that matches the policy configured in Microsoft Entra ID, or for a SAML app configured with your identity provider.

  5. In the Microsoft Defender Portal, under Cloud Apps, select Activity log, and make sure the login activities are captured for each app.

  6. You can filter by selecting Advanced, and then filtering using Source equals Access control. For example:

    Screenshot of filtering using Microsoft Entra Conditional Access.

  7. We recommend that you sign into mobile and desktop apps from managed and unmanaged devices. This is to make sure that the activities are properly captured in the activity log.

    To verify that the activity is properly captured, select a single sign-on login activity so that it opens the activity drawer. Make sure the User agent tag properly reflects whether the device is a native client (meaning either a mobile or desktop app) or the device is a managed device (compliant, domain joined, or valid client certificate).


After it's deployed, you can't remove an app from the Conditional Access App Control page. As long as you don't set a session or access policy on the app, the conditional access app control won't change any behavior for the app.

Next steps

If you run into any problems, we're here to help. To get assistance or support for your product issue, please open a support ticket.