Partner security requirements resources

This article helps you understand multifactor authentication (MFA) adoption details, to help your organization meet partner security requirement status.

Portal request without MFA

Indicate a user who accesses Partner Center without MFA authentication.

Property Type Description
ObjectId string User Object ID
TenantId string CSP tenant ID
Upn string User principal name
LastNonMfaCompliantLoginDateTime datetime Latest time user login-in without MFA

API request summarized by Application

A summary of API request made by APP + User credential, aggregated by request date and Application ID.

Property Type Description
LoginDate datetime API request date
MfaCompliantRequestCount long Request count with MFA
TotalRequestCount long Total request count
ApplicationId string The application ID
ApplicationName string The application name

API request details

API request made by APP + User credential.

Property Type Description
RequestId string MS-RequestId
CorrelationId string MS-CorrelationId
OperationName string The API path with request method
RequestDateTime DateTime The API request time
IpAddress string Source IP address
ObjectId string User object ID
TenantId string CSP tenant ID
Upn string User principal name
ApplicationId string Your application
MfaCompliant bool Indicate the request with or without MFA