What is content creation?


Content creation is an integral part of esports.

A content creator is someone who creates appealing and awe-inspiring content for the viewers. The content they create can be educational or can simply be catchy enough to entertain and grab the attention of anyone who happens to see it. The goal of a content creator is to attract viewers by developing their specific interest and having them to follow links to find out more. Ultimately, content creators must create content that delights the target audience in esports.

Content creators exist in different forms: Streamer / Editor / YouTuber / Organization or Cast

  • Production Team
  • YouTuber
  • Influencer
  • Organization

Photo of students creating content on a tablet device.

Types of content

Video content

Studies show 85% of U.S. internet users watch online video content. Viewers use social video-based platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Twitch, which host millions of videos made by video content creators every day. Video is an integral part of modern digital publishing. Your content creators will undoubtedly need to leverage these mediums to interact with their audience.

Social media content

People spend up to 2 hours 40 minutes on social media platforms on any given day. Social media content engages, delights, and educates them. Social media posts can be found on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and Discord to name a few. Social media also help content creators to manage and monitor interactions with their target audience.

Infographics content

Not everyone fancies written content. Did you know that 65% of people are visual learners? Most people learn through their eyes. It’s no surprise then that infographic content is popular. Expert content creators masterfully fuse images, charts, data, and a bit of text to come up with infographics. Infographics drive organic traffic and shares.

Digital content

Blog posts are the most common type of content online users consume. Blogs on websites are going to provide on-demand information about relevant and interesting topics for the targeted audience.

Graphic design content

Graphic design is a creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas. Graphic design content involves a variety of communication tools. The goal is to convey a message using images and typography to a particular audience.