

Your organization is expanding. They need to replace a critical business application deployed in the datacenter with a new, cloud-based, mobile-enabled solution.

The architecture and technology pillars of DevOps will support this process, help to identify the right components and platforms that will better fulfill your needs, and optimize cost.

We discovered that a good architecture facilitates deployability and testability. It will also be tightly connected to the organization: system design is affected by the communications structures of the organizations that design the systems.

Then we explored the solutions that will empower your team on their DevOps journey. Azure DevOps offers multiple dev services that help you plan smarter, collaborate better, and ship faster:

  • Azure Boards
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Azure Repos
  • Azure Test Plans
  • Azure Artifacts

With Azure DevOps, you have choices that help maximize your existing investments. You can choose the tools that are right for you, target any cloud, on-premises environment, or both, and deploy to the servers you need.

Azure DevOps allows you to manage self-service dev/test environments with Azure Lab Services. It enables faster deployment with infrastructure as code using Azure Resource Manager. It ensures Continuous Security with Azure Security Center, and provides smarter insights, faster with Azure Monitor, Log Analytics and Application Insights.