Write a function that adds tasks


The add_task function needs to append a new Task value to a possibly existing collection of tasks that's encoded in a JSON file.

So, before inserting a task into that collection, we must first read that file and assemble a vector of tasks from its contents.

The first version looks like this:

use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::io::{Result, Seek, SeekFrom};
  // ...

pub fn add_task(journal_path: PathBuf, task: Task) -> Result<()> {
    // Open the file.
    let mut file = OpenOptions::new()

    // Consume the file's contents as a vector of tasks.
    let mut tasks: Vec<Task> = match serde_json::from_reader(&file) {
        Ok(tasks) => tasks,
        Err(e) if e.is_eof() => Vec::new(),
        Err(e) => Err(e)?,

    // Rewind the file after reading from it.

    // Write the modified task list back into the file.
    serde_json::to_writer(file, &tasks)?;


Let's go over this function in four steps:

Open the file

First, we open the file by using OpenOptions, which allows us to specify some modes for operating on the file, like read, write, and create (for when the file doesn't yet exist).

The question mark symbol (?) after that statement is used to propagate errors without writing too much boilerplate code. It's syntax sugar for early returning an error if that error matches with the return type of the function it's in. So these snippets are equivalent:

fn function_1() -> Result(Success, Failure) {
    match operation_that_might_fail() {
        Ok(success) => success,
        Err(failure) => return Err(failure),

fn function_2() -> Result(Success, Failure) {

That pattern is used a lot in code that needs to do multiple I/O operations, as we do in this program.

Build a reader and consume its contents as a vector of tasks

The second step is to actually read the file. To read the file, serde_json asks for any type that implements the Reader trait. The File type implements that trait, so we just pass it as a parameter to the serde_json.from_reader function while declaring that we expect to receive a Vec<Task> from it.

Keep in mind that accessing the file system is an I/O action that can fail for various reasons. So we need to consider how our program should behave (and possibly recover) in some specific cases. For example, serde_json returns an error when it reaches the end of a file without having found anything to parse. This event always happens in an empty file, and we need to be able to recover from it.

To recover from specific kinds of errors, we use guards in the match expression to filter out the specific matches of Ok and Err and build an empty Vec when the specific error occurs. The Vec represents an empty to-do list.

The serde_json::Error can easily be converted to the std::io::Error type because it implements the From trait. That makes it possible for us to use the ? operator to unpack or early return them.

Rewind the file after reading from it

Because we moved the cursor to the end of the file, we need to rewind the file before we write over it again. If we don't rewind the file, we'd begin writing at the cursor's last position, which would cause a malformed JSON file. We use the Seek trait and the SeekFrom enum from the std::io module to rewind the file.

Write the modified task list back into the file

Finally, we push the Task value received as a function parameter to the task list and use serde_json to write the task vector into the file. We then return the empty tuple value inside an Ok to indicate that everything went according to our plans.