Complete the main module


Now that our program can deal with user interaction (by using the cli module) and file handling (by using the tasks module), we can try it out to see if everything works as expected.

We still need to polish some things, like using a default journal file and presenting friendly errors to users, but let's deal with those tasks later.

Complete the main module and run the program

The next thing we should do is connect the Actions struct to the three public functions defined in the tasks module. Open the file and make it look like this:

use structopt::StructOpt;
mod cli;
mod tasks;

use cli::{Action::*, CommandLineArgs};
use tasks::Task;

fn main() {
    // Get the command-line arguments.
    let CommandLineArgs {
    } = CommandLineArgs::from_args();

    // Unpack the journal file.
    let journal_file = journal_file.expect("Failed to find journal file");

    // Perform the action.
    match action {
        Add { task } => tasks::add_task(journal_file, Task::new(task)),
        List => tasks::list_tasks(journal_file),
        Done { position } => tasks::complete_task(journal_file, position),
    .expect("Failed to perform action")

Our outline looks simple.

We start by destructuring our CommandLineArgs struct into its fields, so we can pass those values independently to our task-handling functions.

Because journal_file is of type Option<PathBuf>, we need to extract the path to our journal file or emit a panic. We revisit this step later to make the program look for a default file. For now, this .expect instruction works fine.

Finally, we match each possible Action to its function, passing the required fields from the enum to the functions. We call .expect at the end of the match block because all functions return a Result type, which can fail. Again, we polish this functionality later to provide nice error messages to users if there's a failure.

Let's give it a try. Open your terminal and enter these commands:

$ cargo run -- -j test-journal.json add "buy milk"

$ cargo run -- -j test-journal.json add "take the dog for a walk"

$ cargo run -- -j test-journal.json add "water the plants"

$ cargo run -- -j test-journal.json list
1: buy milk                                           [2021-01-08 16:39]
2: take the dog for a walk                            [2021-01-08 16:39]
3: water the plants                                   [2021-01-08 16:39]

$ cargo run -- -j test-journal.json done 2

$ cargo run -- -j test-journal.json list
1: buy milk                                           [2021-01-08 16:39]
2: water the plants                                   [2021-01-08 16:39]

It looks like the program is running well!

We started by calling cargo run -- to ensure that all the arguments passed after -- are sent to our program and not to cargo itself.

Then we added three tasks in a row by using the subcommand add followed by a task name string. The list subcommand then displayed our three tasks, in order, with their timestamps on the far right. We then called the done 2 subcommand to mark the second task complete. When we called list again, that task was gone. Amazing, don't you think?

If we peek inside the test-journal.json file, we see the following content:

[{"text":"buy milk","created_at":1610134741},{"text":"water the plants","created_at":1610134762}]

We see that each Task is represented as a JSON object, and that each file is one key. The task description is stored as a string, and the timestamp is persisted as the number of seconds since epoch.

If we pretty-printed the JSON file, it would look like this:

    "text": "buy milk",
    "created_at": 1610134741
    "text": "water the plants",
    "created_at": 1610134762

In the next two sections, we improve the usability of our program by configuring it to use a default journal file and presenting prettier error messages.