

In this module, we learn common concepts in programming languages, and discover how they're implemented in Rust. The concepts aren't unique to Rust, but they provide a foundation for every Rust program. By learning about these concepts, you can gain an understanding to support development in any programming language.

The Rust Playground

The Rust Playground is a browser interface to the Rust compiler. You can use the Playground to experiment writing Rust code before you install the language locally, or when you might not have the compiler available. Throughout this course, we'll give Playground links to the example code and exercises. You can interact with the code, even if you don't have the Rust toolchain available at the moment.

All code that runs on the Rust Playground can also compile and run in your local development environment. Don't be discouraged to interact with the Rust compiler from your computer. You can learn more about the Rust Playground in the What is Rust? module.

Learning objectives

In this module, you'll:

  • Explore core Rust language concepts, including functions, data types, and variables.
  • Understand basic Rust types for text, numbers, boolean values, and compound data.
  • Create, compile, and run a basic Rust program.
  • Discover how to print output from your program.