FastCgiApplicationElement Class

Configures settings for a FastCGI application.


class FastCgiApplicationElement : CollectionElement  


This class contains no methods.


The following table lists the properties exposed by the FastCgiApplicationElement class.

Name Description
ActivityTimeout A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that IIS waits for FastCGI activity, such as sending data. The default is 30. A key property. Note: The value specified is a lowest-maximum value. This maximum is not strictly enforced and can increase substantially under heavy loads.
Arguments A read/write string value that specifies command-line arguments for the FastCGI application executable file.
EnvironmentVariables An array of FastCgiEnvironmentSettings values that contain environment variables for the process executable program of an application pool.
FlushNamedPipe A read/write boolean value. true if named pipes are flushed at the end of each request; otherwise, false. The default is false. This property applies only when the named-pipe protocol is used.
FullPath A read/write string value that specifies the full path of the FastCGI application executable file. A key property.
IdleTimeout A read/write uint32 value that specifies the time interval, in seconds, after which an idle process is ended. The default is 300.
InstanceMaxRequests A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of requests that a FastCGI worker process can manage before the process is recycled. The default is 200.
MaxInstances A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of FastCGI worker processes that can be started for an application pool.
Protocol A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the transport mechanism that communicates with the FastCGI worker process. The possible values are listed later in the Remarks section.
QueueLength A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of requests that can be queued for the FastCGI application pool. When the queue is full, subsequent requests return HTTP error code 503 (Service Unavailable).
RequestTimeout A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that IIS waits for a FastCGI application to finish processing a request. The default is 90. Note: The value specified is a lowest-maximum value. This maximum is not strictly enforced and can increase substantially under heavy loads.


This class contains no subclasses.


Instances of this class are contained in the FastCgi array property of the FastCgiSection class.

The following table lists the possible values for the Protocol property. The default is 0 (NamedPipe).

Value Keyword Description
0 NamedPipe The named-pipe protocol will be used to communicate with the FastCGI worker process.
1 Tcp The TCP protocol will be used to communicate with the FastCGI worker process.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Type Description
Client - IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista
- IIS 7.5 on Windows 7
- IIS 8.0 on Windows 8
- IIS 10.0 on Windows 10
Server - IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2
- IIS 8.0 on Windows Server 2012
- IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2
- IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016
Product - IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0
MOF file WebAdministration.mof

See Also

CollectionElement Class
FastCgiSection Class
FastCgiEnvironmentSettings Class
FastCgiEnvironmentElement Class