HandlerAction Class

Exposes configuration settings for handlers.


class HandlerAction : CollectionElement  


This class contains no methods.


The following table lists the properties exposed by the HandlerAction class.

Name Description
AllowPathInfo A read/write boolean value. true if the handler will process full path information in a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); otherwise, false. The default is false.

For example, when true, this property will allow the handler to process a full path such as "/vdir/myisapi.dll/zip"; when false, this property will allow only the partial path "/zip".
Modules A read/write string value that specifies the module to which you want to map a file or extension. The default is null.
Name A required unique read/write string value that specifies a unique name for the handler mapping. The only key property.
Path A read/write string value that specifies a file extension or file name with extension of the file type to be handled. The default is null.
PreCondition A read/write string value that optionally specifies conditions under which the handler can run. The possible values are listed later in the Remarks section.
RequireAccess A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies handler access requirements. The possible values are listed later in the Remarks section.
ResourceType A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the mapping type for the handler. The possible values are listed later in the Remarks section.
ResponseBufferLimit A read/write uint32 value that sets the maximum size, in bytes, of the response buffer for a request handler. If response buffering is enabled in the Buffer property of the PagesSection class, the ResponseBufferLimit property controls the maximum number of bytes that an ASP page can write to the response buffer before a flush occurs. The default is 4194304 bytes.
ScriptProcessor A read/write string value that specifies the full path to the ISAPI extension .dll file or CGI .exe file that processes the request, if appropriate. If you specify this property, you must specify either "ISAPIModule" or "CGIModule" in the Modules property. The default is null.
Type A read/write string value that specifies the namespace path of a managed handler. The type specified must be a valid managed type that is in the global assembly cache, the application's Bin directory, or the app_code directory. The default is null.
Verb A read/write string value that specifies a comma-delimited list of verbs. Use this property if you want the mapping to apply to specific request types. The default is null.


This class contains no subclasses.


Instances of this class are contained in the Handlers property of the HandlersSection class.

The following table lists the possible values for the Precondition property. The default is null.


The evaluation of a precondition is a logical AND of the components. Because any unknown precondition evaluates to false, the presence of an unknown precondition will cause the unknown precondition to be ignored.

Value Description
appPoolName=pool1;pool2 The handler will be used for any application pool named in the semicolon-delimited list.
appPoolName!=pool1;pool2 The handler will not be used for any application pool named in the semicolon-delimited list.
bitness32 The handler entry applies only to 32-bit worker processes. For 64-bit computers, you should use this value to specify which application pools run in 32-bit mode.
bitness64 The handler applies only to 64-bit worker processes. For 64-bit computers, you should use this value to specify which application pools run in 64-bit mode.
integratedMode The handler will be used only for application pools in integrated mode.
ISAPIMode The handler will be used only for application pools in ISAPI mode.
runtimeVersion The handler will be used only for application pools that load a certain version of the common language runtime (CLR). To enable this precondition, append a string in the format vMajorVersion.MinorVersion to the string "runtimeVersion" (for example, "runtimeVersionv2.0").

The following table lists the possible values for the RequireAccess property. The default is 3 (Script).


Settings in the AccessPolicy property of the HandlersSection class determine which rights are permitted and, therefore, what handlers are allowed to execute.

Value Keyword Description
0 None The handler has no access requirements.
1 Read The handler requires read permission.
2 Write The handler requires write permission.
3 Script The handler requires script rights.
4 Execute The handler requires executable rights.

The following table lists the possible values for the ResourceType property. The default is 3 (Unspecified).


This property is labeled Path Type in IIS Manager.

Value Keyword Description
0 File The mapping is for a file. If the incoming request does not map to a physical file on disk, the request is not passed to the handler.
1 Directory The mapping is for a directory. If the incoming request does not map to a physical folder on disk, the request is not passed to the handler.
2 Either The mapping is for either a file or a directory. If the incoming request does not map to a physical file or folder on disk, the request is not passed to the handler.
3 Unspecified The mapping type is not specified. The request is passed to the handler regardless of whether or not the request maps to a physical file or folder on disk. Use this setting if you are mapping your handler to a file name (for example, "MyHandler.axd") that you know does not exist on disk.


The following example adds three different categories of handlers to the <handlers> section: a legacy script map handler, two native module handlers, and a managed handler.


Adding or removing a configuration element changes the underlying configuration section, but not the object variable in script that represents the configuration section. In order for the change to appear in your scripts, you must call the WMI Refresh_ method on the object variable after you make the change. This will update the object variable with the latest data from the configuration store.

' Connect to the WMI WebAdministration namespace.  
Set oWebAdmin = GetObject("winmgmts:root\WebAdministration")  
' Get the <handlers> section.  
Set oSite = oWebAdmin.Get("Site.Name='Default Web Site'")  
oSite.GetSection "HandlersSection", oHandlersSection  
' Display the old list of handlers.  
WScript.Echo "---[Old Handler List]---"  
Call DisplayHandlers  
' Create a legacy script map handler.  
' The required properties are Name, Modules, and ScriptProcessor.  
Set oHandler = oWebAdmin.Get("HandlerAction").SpawnInstance_  
oHandler.Name = "ASPClassic"   
oHandler.ResourceType= 0 '0 is "File"  
oHandler.ScriptProcessor = "%windir%\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll"  
' Add the handler to the <handlers> section.  
oHandlersSection.Add "Handlers", oHandler  
' Create a native module handler for static files.  
' The required properties are Name, Modules, and Path.  
Set oHandler = oWebAdmin.Get("HandlerAction").SpawnInstance_  
oHandler.Name = "StaticFile"   
' Add the handler to the <handlers> section.  
oHandlersSection.Add "Handlers", oHandler  
' Create a native module handler for ISAPI DLLs.  
' The required properties are Name, Modules, and Path.  
oHandler.Name = "ISAPI-dll"   
' Add the handler to the <handlers> section.  
oHandlersSection.Add "Handlers", oHandler  
' Add a managed handler.  
' The required properties are Name, Path, and Type.   
Set oHandler = oWebAdmin.Get("HandlerAction").SpawnInstance_  
oHandler.Name = "TraceHandler-Integrated"   
' Add the handler to the <handlers> section.  
oHandlersSection.Add "Handlers", oHandler  
' Call the WMI Refresh_ method to update the oHandlersSection object variable.  
' Display the new list of handler names.   
WScript.Echo "---[New Handler List]---"  
Call DisplayHandlers  
' Provide a sub to display the handler names.  
Sub DisplayHandlers  
    For Each oHandler In oHandlersSection.Handlers  
         WScript.Echo "Name: " & oHandler.Name  
End Sub  

Inheritance Hierarchy




Type Description
Client - IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista
- IIS 7.5 on Windows 7
- IIS 8.0 on Windows 8
- IIS 10.0 on Windows 10
Server - IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2
- IIS 8.0 on Windows Server 2012
- IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2
- IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016
Product - IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0
MOF file WebAdministration.mof

See Also

AccessSection Class
CollectionElement Class
HandlersSection Class
IScriptMapInfo::GetAllowPathInfoForScriptMappings Method