Open-source alternative to Visual Studio Team System...

Open-source alternative to Visual Studio Team System...(Via Microsoft Watch)


  "The project, known as NTeam, will use several existing open-source tools and applications, such as the NUnit and NAnt .Net unit testing and build tools, respectively, and will cover various stages of the application development life cycle, just like the upcoming VSTS does, said Jason Bentley, co-founder of the project, in Knoxville, Tenn.

  ...This is not a competing product to VSTS," said Alan Stevens, NTeam's co-founder, also in Knoxville. "This is a result of our enthusiasm for the idea of having integration between tasks, bugs, tests, specs and source control. We don't initially plan to implement all the functionality of VSTS."

  ...An open-source alternative to VSTS would be appealing to some developers," said Eric Sink, a software craftsman at SourceGear LLC, in Champaign, Ill. "But while VSTS is aimed at the enterprise, its open-source counterpart would certainly be aimed much lower.

Jason Bentley:

"I am shocked by the response from the community on the NTeam project. There are all ready 20 developers signed up for the project and I have received close to 100 emails on the subject. I thought the project would be popular but I felt it would take a release or two to get more than 5 developers interested. With that said, the progress that I was planning to make in the first three releases could probably be made in the first release. What a great development community.
So, you can look for the rough sketches of the project's architecture in the next few days and work should begin very soon. "

NTeam GotDotNet Workspace.