RESTOREDFSR.VBS Version 3 now available

Hello folks, Ned here again. The infamous restoredfsr.vbs has now been rewritten (thanks for the prodding MLatCC) and it fixes some bad design limits of the older versions that were caused by time constraints and apathy. For those of you have not had the “pleasure” of restoredfsr.vbs:


Update 6/12/14

Well that gallery is kaput. Now hosted from here.

This old script is really gross, I recommend instead using our new Windows PowerShell cmdlet Restore-DfsrPreservedFiles instead. You can restore from 8.1 client if you install RSAT, or from a WS2012 R2 server. Can either run locally or just map a drive to \\dfsrserver\h$ or whatever the root drive is, then restore.

Take a look at for steps on using this cmdlet.


A simple vbscript to allow recovery of DFS Replicated files that have been pushed into the ConflictAndDeleted or PreExisting folders due to misadventure.
Remember, this script must be run from a CMD prompt using cscript.exe. Don't just double-click it.


The script also requires to edit three paths (your source files, a new destination path, and the XML manifest you are calling). If you fail to edit those the script will exit with an error.

' Section must be operator-edited to provide valid paths

' Change path to specify location of XML Manifest
' Example 1: "C:\Data\DfsrPrivate\ConflictAndDeletedManifest.xml"
' Example 2: "C:\Data\DfsrPrivate\preexistingManifest.xml"


' Change path to specify location of source files
' Example 1: "C:\data\DfsrPrivate\ConflictAndDeleted"
' Example 2: "C:\data\DfsrPrivate\preexisting"

SourceFolder = ("C:\your_replicated_folder\DfsrPrivate\ConflictAndDeleted")
' Change path to specify output folder

OutputFolder = ("c:\your_dfsr_repair_tree")


This script is an unsupported, as-is, no-warranty, last gasp, solution. If you are using it, you don’t have any backups, you are not using Previous Versions, and you are praying that you have not hit the conflictanddeleted quota (which is only 660MB by default).

This new version now properly detects all file and folder types, runs a bit faster, and no longer requires weird trailing backslashes. It does not support command-line arguments as the very idea bores me to tears.

Make sure you destroy all previous versions of this script you have lying around.

- Ned “mail sack doubtful” Pyle