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Creating Report Subscriptions via SQL Managment Studio in SQL Server 2005

Just ran into an interesting little
behavior in SQL Management Studio when I tried to create a subscription
on a new report: At the time, I didn't realize that I wasn't using
stored credentials for the datasource the report utilizes.

I went to SQL Management Studio, connected to Reporting Services, then
found and right-clicked my published report: The subscription-related
options in the context menu were disabled. Next, I went to Report
Manager, tried to create a subscription the old-fashioned way, and got
the standard "Hey dummy, use stored credentials with this report" nag.

Looks like we automatically disable the "create subscription-related
options" in SQL Management Studio when the report isn't already
correctly configured to be the target of a subscription. I'd prefer if
the tool allowed me to select the option anyway, and then simply yelled
at me like Report Manager does. Oh well, such is life....