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Why is Vista such a memory hog?

It's not.

So I have been hearing this a lot lately and wanted to get a link out to a good article which explains superfetch and what it is doing.  I will have to admit the first time that I opened task manager in Vista and saw my system running at ~1.6GBs I thought I had a memory leak of some sort, but once I determined this not to be the case I was perplexed.  Where is all the RAM in my system going?  Is Vista really that bloated? 

Well perception is everything (or a lot), so I wanted to point out this article which does a good job of summarizing Vista and the use of "superfetch".

It turns out that Vista is not bloatware, but in essence is caching items that it thinks I am going to use in memory, henceforth making effective use of the RAM I have in my system.


Technorati tags: Vista Tips, Vista, Windows