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I'm Back...

After a long and very much needed hiatus, I have regained control of this blog and returned to blogging. For the curious reader, you can read about some of the happenings here. But, I am not one for dwelling on the past (except to learn and improve upon); I look forward to the future.

And speaking of the future... technology-wise, my day-to-day interests have moved up the application stack to Exchange, specifically the Calendaring, OOF, and Free/Busy components. Basically, whenever you use Outlook or OWA to schedule a meeting, look up an attendee's Free/Busy information, or toggle your own OOF on Exchange 2007 onward, you are looking at functionality that I am responsible for within Exchange... and that is just the beginning. So, I will certainly be offering tidbits and answering questions about that aspect of Exchange as well as others as I encounter them.

Of course, I will continue to write and answer questions about IIS and ISAPI since they remain woefully under-documented. Not much changes with ISAPI after IIS6 since it exists for compatibility. As for IIS7 and beyond... I was involved in a lot of the design discussions/reviews and co-inventor of the extensibility API introduced in IIS7, so I think I have a good idea how things SHOULD work at the core. ;-) Besides, most of the work on IIS7 and beyond should come in the form of additional modules/handler on top of the core extensibility API, so questions about them are really specific to those modules and not IIS...



P.S. Yes, I am still working on answering the backlog of existing comments, and I have just re-enabled anonymous comments...