People to schedule at Tech-Ed--put Rio to work for you

There are a bunch of people going down to Tech-Ed from my team. I was originally going to be one of them, but things have gotten too busy trying to get VSTO 2.0 shipped, and I got bumped from the list because of my responsibilities here at work. Waaah, sniff, sniff.

There's this cool tool at Tech-Ed called “Rio” that lets you schedule 1 on 1 time with Microsoft people and other Tech-Ed speakers to express your concerns, learn more, chat, whatever. If you want to talk about VSTO 1.0, VSTO 2.0, or Office development in general, use the Rio tool at Tech-Ed to schedule some time with any of these people from my team:

Greg DeCicco--A lead PM on VSTO 2.0, he's in the middle of everything.
Muhammad Arrabi--A PM on my team--he knows a bunch about VSTO 2.0 especially around our data story.
BJ Holtgrewe--Our fearless marketing lead
Harry Miller--A great writer on our team
Iouri Simernitski--Developer who has done a lot of Office programming and working with the community
Mike Hernandez--Community lead on our team, he's our eyes and ears in the community
Paul Stubbs--PM working on VSTO and future products, also has a lot of prior experience in Office solutions.
Svet Bonev--Developer who has written large chunks of our data story for VSTO 2.0
Donald Drake--Lead Developer on VSTO 2.0 who has built the design-time VS experience around VSTO 2.0