Web 2.0 happening Downunder too

Last week I had a cuppa with Kevin Leversee, - Founder and Chief Courage Officer of a Sydney based consultancy called Pandora2.  Kevin describes it as a "Cluetrain Consulating Company".  I had met Kevin following a panel I sat on, earlier in the year, and we had kept in touch via email.

The timing of our meeting with quite serendipitous, as it followed the overnight Windows Live and Office Live announcements. I was able to explain to Kevin what the vision was, and the role I saw Microsoft could play. Kevin writes about our meeting on his blog.

We spoke about lots of things, and he reminded me of some of the other folks I have spoken with, such as Ben Barren , Mike Seyfang, Cameron Reilly, Mick Stanic and Mark Baartse. All who share a similar vision for what can be done with the technology, and who are getting out and doing it.

One of the items we discussed was the possibility of a Web 2.0 conference in Australia. This is something near and dear to my heart. I'm tired of seeing cool stuff happening somewhere else. I want to see the innovation that is happening downunder . I am sure there are many fantastic companies, lead by really smart people, doing amazing things around Web 2.0. Let's get the spotlight onto these folks and let's get some excitement back to the industry. 

Who's with me???

[ Currently Playing : Spam - Weird Al Yankovic - Permanent Record Disc 3 (03:03) ]