Web Experiences Events in NYC, LA, and Denver

Web Experiences Events

Come to the Web Experiences events in New York City (May 31st), Los Angeles (June 8th), or Denver (June 15th).

At the Web Experiences Events we will demonstrate Microsoft’s next generation of technologies such as Silverlight, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow, IIS 7, ASP.NET Ajax and much more that can help you build these connected applications and web experiences of tomorrow. Whether you are a developer, designer, hoster or content owner come witness how we provide a complete stack that enables concepts ranging from rich media, animation, and video on the web to workflows, service development technologies, and portals with the ability to design, build, and manage these features across multiple different scenarios.

We will show you how to build the next generation Web Experience using the best in class technologies and techniques.

To make this available to as many of our customers as possible and minimize your travel, we are presenting in three different cities.

  • New York City: May 31st
  • Los Angeles: June 8th
  • Denver: June 15th

Interested? Click here to find out more.