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"We're back and..."

Raymond sent me an email yesterday asking me to confirm an old Lan Manager slogan.

Back in the Lanman 2.0 days, Brian Valentine (who ran the Lanman group) made up a series of T-Shirts for the team with the words:

Lan Manager... We're back and we're BAD". 

I believe I still have one of those t-shirts.  It had a relatively snarky attitude, which I love (and why I loved working for Brian, he shared many of the same sentiments).  For the non-english speakers reading this, the use of "BAD" is an American idiom that means "nasty, in a really good way".


The reason that Raymond asked me the question was because of what apparently happened to the T-Shirt when it hit our international subsidiaries.  Not surprisingly, many of them wanted to print up their own version, but sometimes the results were... less than perfect.  According to one person, the Swedish had a hard time translating the "BAD" idiom.  So they apparently fell back on a literal translation of the slogan and printed up their own t-shirts, which said (translated back to english):

Lan Manager...  We are here again and we're not very good.

And now you know "The rest of the story(tm)"