Jim Goldman: Netflix 'goes dark' today for some, but the company responded well

Jim Goldman writes today that Netflix Goes Dark And Finds It's No Place To Be...

"NetflixIt started this morning with an email apology from online movie rental powerhouse Netflix, confirming to its 8.4 million users that the company was suffering a shipping and distribution outage.

"I called the company this morning to get more information and spokesman Steve Swasey was candid, forthcoming and easily accessible; hallmarks of good damage control when a company is under the gun. As soon as I got off the phone with him, I went on the air and broke this story."

Kudos to Netflix for being so upfront about the situation. As noted, Netflix is known for their top flight customer satisfaction, (says me as noted here and many others, including Nielsen and ForeSee) and I'm sure that this won't keep the company down.

Tags: Netflix, Customer Service, Customer Support.

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