Your questions: "How do I get updates to DST and time zone updates and alerts?"

Related to the regular updates made to our pages on time, Steven asked this week...

"Is there something that customer can plug into, like subscribing to monthly security alerts, for DST [and, I'll add, time zone] updates?"

No, not directly. You can enable tracking for specific pages on the web (such as the the DST and time zone web pages) via RSS feed using free, third party services like page2rss, feedity, feedyes and other services.

I find that for updates to the pages linked off of -- such as the Hot Topics and impacted Microsoft product list -- services such as Feedity work well.

This approach also works for tracking the changes made to Knowledge Base (KB) articles, such as the December 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems (KB 942763).  As we update the article -- particularly when the KB is superseded by a new update -- you'll get pinged.

As Sean noted (and reminded... thanks!) you may also want to leverage the RSS feed for the Technet/MS DST Blog at

You can also apply this to external, public resource sites such as those on the site...

... the tzdatabase page, the list of time zones wiki and the overall time zone Wiki page.

Tags: Microsoft, Daylight Saving Time, Daylight Savings Time, RSS,DST. 3,530,000 (down a million items); 6,950,000; 649,000+