Top 10 Microsoft Developer Links for Tuesday, September 3rd

  1. Martin Hinshelwood: There is no "be agile" there is only "do agile"
  2. GoingNative: Inside Vector Calling Convention (VCC)
  3. Bruno Sonnino: Developing modular applications with MEF
  4. LightSwitch Help Website: Integrating PayPal With Visual Studio LightSwitch
  5. Sebastien Pertus: Packaging a Windows Store apps component with Nuget. Part 2
  6. Martin Schray: Visually Comparing Code in Visual Studio
  7. Calvin Hsia: Call managed code from your C++ code
  8. Mike Long: Stop Designing for “Users”
  9. Dynamic Concepts: Hazards of Improper Disposal
  10. Greg Duncan: Saving you some labor in creating your Unit tests...