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ServiceBus Client 2.6 Nuget is now live on

Yesterday the Service Bus Engineering team updated our public nuget feed with our 2.6 client updates This update contains a lot of updates and additions directly requested from our customers. Please always use the latest Azure Service Bus packages.

Release Notes

The following new features/fixes are introduced in Service Bus client: 

Event Hub Updates:

  • New feature 'Send to Publisher': Add support for sending events to EventHub via specific publisher endpoints. The feature allow events to be sent with more targeted access control. 
  • Increase reliability in EventHubConsumerGroup.CreateReceiver() call by adding internal retry logic to handle transient exceptions (using same RetryPolicy similar to other classes). 
  • Adding Api overloads for NamespaceManager.GetEventHubPartition(). 
  • Adding PrefetchSizeInBytes property to EventHubClient, EventHubConsumerGroup, and EventHubReceiver so that user can control prefetch limit using size rather than event counts. 
  • Adding EventData.SerializedSizeInBytes so that user has better ways to track data size usage. 
  • Adding new properties (LastEnqueuedOffset and LastEnqueuedTimeUtc) to PartitionDescription 
  • Adding new runtime info method EventHubClient.GetPartitionRuntimeInformationAsync() that returns new class PartitionRuntimeInformation to provide partition centric metadata. 
  • Adding support of Amqp over WebSocket transport for Event Hubs and Messaging. To use, make sure you are using Amqp transport type, and set ServiceBusEnvironment.SystemConnectivity.Mode to ConnectivityMode.Http before any entity creation.

Messaging Updates

  • Allow user to access Tcp connection pool's LeaseTimeout property in the NetMessagingBinding. 
  • Improve exception message when user is using the runtime/management Api for the wrong entity types. 
  • Adding utility methods FormatTransferDeadLetterPath to TopicClient and QueueClient. 
  • Adding EntityPath and Publisher component to ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder and connection string format. 
  • Adding new CreateFromConnectionString() overloads to TopicClient and QueueClient to support entity path in connection strings.


A big thank you to all our customers to requested changes and features and helped us uncover issues. This rapid update cadence is helping us to improve our service faster than ever! Also a big thank you to our excellent engineering team for all their hard work!