Tip of the Day: Azure Stack Technical Preview 3

Today’s Tip…


Microsoft Azure Stack

Innovate through hybrid applications with Azure and Azure Stack

  • Adopt the cloud on your terms, choosing the hybrid deployment that works best for you
  • Use common processes and tools across Azure and Azure Stack
  • Speed new cloud application development with open-source and community-driven components
  • Get up and running quickly with purpose-built integrated systems

What’s new in Azure Stack TP3

With Azure Stack TP3, we’ve worked with customers to improve the product through numerous bug fixes, updates, and deployment reliability & compatibility improvements from TP2. With Azure Stack TP3 customers can:

  • Deploy with ADFS for disconnected scenarios
  • Start using Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets for scale out workloads
  • Syndicate content from the Azure Marketplace to make available in Azure Stack
  • Use Azure D-Series VM sizes
  • Deploy and create templates with Temp Disks that are consistent with Azure
  • Take comfort in the enhanced security of an isolated administrator portal
  • Take advantage of improvements to IaaS and PaaS functionality
  • Use enhanced infrastructure management functionality, such as improved alerting


“Azure Stack TP3 Delivers Hybrid Application Innovation and Introduces Pay-as-you-Use Pricing Model” - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/hybrid-application-innovation-with-azure-and-azure-stack/

“Microsoft Azure Stack” (Get Azure Stack Technical Preview 3) - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/overview/azure-stack/try/

Azure Stack Whitepaper Download - https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=842846&clcid=0x409